Dear Unit 556+ bridge players,
Who wants to play bridge tomorrow? Below is the reservation list. Send me
any corrections, additions, or if you want a partner.
I have an A player looking for a regular partner for Thursdays or Fridays.
Contact me if you are interested.
Aggi & Susan Smith
Alan & Elliott Nueman
Angela & Julie
Anita & Ruth
Barbara L & Carole C
Bill B & Temo
Bud & Gerry B
Carolyn & Dominique
Cathy M & Jeannette
Harry & David K
Jackie & Mike
Jan & Tomoko
Kathy F & Bob M
Kathy S & Rand
Margaret & Jerome
MaryAnne & Tracy
Mira & Ron
Pat L & Dave
Paula & Roy L
Rae & Amr
Shari & Melanie
Sharon & Steve
Sharry & Beth
Dear Unit 556+ bridge players,
Who wants to play bridge tomorrow? Below is the reservation list. Send me
any corrections, additions, or if you want a partner.
On Wednesday at 12:15 pm, Bob McBroom will be giving a review of his lesson
on responses to 1NT; in particular Stayman, Garbage Stayman, Smolen, and
Texas Transfers. There will also add one new bid, 2 spades to show a long
minor. See you there!
Aggi & Roshen
Amr & Dominique
Angela & Julie
Carol A & Kristi
Harry & David K
Jackie & Susan Smith
Jan & Tomoko
Kathy S & Rand
Khushroo & Temo
May A & Hani
Melanie & Bill
Mira & Ron
Pat L & Dave W
Ruth & Roy
Sharry & Beth
Sue T & Kathy H
Dear Unit 556+ bridge players,
Who wants to play bridge tomorrow? Below is the reservation list. Send me
any corrections, additions, or if you want a partner.
Anita & Aggi
Bill B & Paula
Carol A & Kristi
Carol I & Susan Smith
Carol R & Paul R
Carol T & Gary T
Carolyn & Gerry B
Cathy M & Diana
Debbye & Pat L
Gay & May
Graetchen & Bill M
Harry & Alan N
Jackie & Roshen
Jan & Deanna
Kathy S & Rand
Melanie & Kathy M
Mira & Ron
Rae & Amr
Ruth & Roy
Sharon W & Dave R
Sharry & Beth
Steve L & Bud
Susan Sh & Judy G
Tomoko & David K
[image: image.png]
Dear Unit 556+ Bridge players and friends,
Tomorrow, Sunday, Mar 28th we have our last Stardust games, a limited 499er
game at 3:15 and an open IMP game at 3:25. Registration fee is $5. Below
are the reservation lists for both games. Please send me updates. *Room for
more. *
Open IMP game
Bill & Roshen
Debbye & Pat L
Kathy F & Bob McB
Kathy S & Rand
Ruth & Roy
Sharry & Beth
499er game
Aggi & David K
Angela P & Bonnie C
Beverly S & Susan T
Carol & Paul R
Carole C & Barbara L
Caryn & Glen M
Glenda & Michael Zelichov
Jackie & Harry
Judy T & Nancy G
Julie & Lynn
Kathy S & Pam B
Lillian & Judith
Linda D & Ruth R
Lora S & John T
Margaret K & Claire H
Paulette & Terry
Rosalee M & Judy S
Rosalie S & Pam C
Sofi & Stephen
Zorina & Lindsay
[image: image.png]
Dear Unit 556+ bridge players,
Open Pairs tonight Tuesday, March 23rd, at 6:15 PM, $5 for Stardust game.
Who wants to play? Who needs a partner? Below is a tentative list of
Send me any corrections, additions, or if you want a partner.
Intermediate Lesson Wednesday 12:15pm - Jacoby 2NT (and Splinter bids)
The lesson is $5 taught by Paula Olivares. Contact me if you are interested
and not already on the class list.
Aggi & Roshen
Amr & Dominique
Angela & Julie
Carol A & Kristi
Harry & David K
Jan & Tomoko
Kathy S & Rand
Khushroo & Temo
May A & Hani
Melanie & Bill
Mira & Ron
Pat L & Dave W
Ruth & Roy
Sharry & Beth
Sue T & Kathy H
[image: Stardust Mar 22.png]
Dear Unit 556+ bridge players,
Who wants to play bridge tomorrow? Stardust Week and cost is $5. Below is
the reservation list. Send me any corrections, additions, or if you want a
Joshua Tree Club will have free beginning lessons and practice at 10 am
Mondays starting March 29th. For information contact Beth Morrin,
Anita & Aggi
Bill B & Paula
Carol A & Kristi
Carol I & Susan Smith
Carol R & Paul R
Carol T & Gary T
Carolyn & Gerry B
Cathy M & Diana
Debbye & Pat L
Graetchen & Bill M
Harry & Alan N
Jackie & Roshen
Jan & Deanna
Kathy S & Rand
Melanie & Kathy M
Mira & Ron
Rae & Amr
Ruth & Roy
Sharon W & Dave R
Sharry & Beth
Steve L & Bud
Susan Sh & Judy G
Temo & Ramesh
Tomoko & David K
Dear Unit556+ players,
I made a mistake in the color of the points next week, they are not silver,
rather they are as follows.
*Stardust Week starts this Monday, March 22, and continues to Sunday, March
All Virtual Club games will award DOUBLE regular club rating points, and
points will be 75% black, 25% GOLD.
Dear Unit 556+ Bridge players and friends,
Tomorrow, Sunday, Mar 21st we have two games, a limited 499er game at 3:15
and an open IMP game at 3:25. Below are the reservation lists for both
games. Please send me updates. *Room for more. *
*Next week is Silver Points week and card fees will be $5. Make your
reservations now:*
Monday open game 12:15 pm
Tuesday open game 6:15 pm
Thursday open game 10:15 am
Friday open game 12:15 pm
Sunday D23 499er game 3:15 pm
Sunday open IMP pair game 3:20 pm
Open IMP game
Bill & Roshen
Debbye & Pat L
Kathy F & Bob McB
Kathy S & Rand
Ruth & Roy
Sharry & Beth
499er game
Aggi & David K
Angela P & Bonnie C
Beverly S & Susan T
Carol & Paul R
Caryn & Glen M
Glenda & Michael Zelichov
Jackie & Harry
Judy T & Nancy G
Julie & Lynn
Kathy S & Pam B
Lillian & Judith
Linda D & Ruth R
Lora S & John T
Margaret K & Claire H
Paul B & Jim G
Paulette & Terry
Rosalee M & Judy S
Sofi & Stephen
Zorina & Lindsay
Dear Unit 556+ bridge players,
Open Pairs tomorrow, Friday, Mar 19th, at 12:15 PM. Who wants to play? Who needs a partner? Below is a tentative list of players. Send me any updates.
You can play in PPD Virtual Club contact Mojo, mojo(a)
10:00 0-500 Pairs
12:30 Open Pairs
12:20 0-99 Pairs
Aggi & Roshen
Amr & Gerry B
Anita & Tracy
Bill M & Mike
Bob Mc & Dave W
Carol A & Kristi
Carol R & Paul R
Carol T & Gary T
Carolyn C & Bill B
Cathy M & Diana B
Harry & Alan N
Jan & Roy L
Judy G & Susan Sh
Kathy S & Rand
Mira & Ron
Pat L & Wayne R
Rae & Joe V
Ruth & Kathy F
Sharon W & Adam
Sharry & Beth
Tom B & Jerry H
Tomoko & David
Ramesh & Temo
Dear Unit 556+ bridge players,
Open Pairs tomorrow, Thursday, March 18th, at 10:15 AM. Who wants to play?
Who needs a partner? Below is a tentative list of players. Send me any
*To Unit556 members, the results of our recent election are as follows,
Tomoko Stock was added to the board and all the other members were
reelected (Beth Morrin, Bob McBroom, Gay Gipson, Jan Ladd, May Ho, Paula
Olivares, Rand Pinsky, Roy Ladd and Ruth Baker).*
Aggi & Susan Smith
Alan & Elliott Nueman
Angela & Julie
Anita & Ruth
Barbara L & Carole C
Bill B & Temo
Bud & Gerry B
Carol & Paul R
Carol A & Kristi
Carol T & Gary T
Carolyn & Dominique
Cathy M & Diana
Harry & David K
Jackie & Mike
Jan & Tomoko
Kathy F & Bob M
Kathy S & Rand
Margaret & Jerome
MaryAnne & Tracy
Mira & Ron
Pat L & Dave
Paula & Roy L
Rae & Amr
Shari & Melanie
Sharon & Steve
Sharry & Beth
Tomoko & Meressa