Welcome to our first game of December! Last week's Wednesday game was,
no doubt, a bit influenced by people traveling for the holiday. So who's
in for tomorrow? Drop me a note and I'll be watching for you.
0-750 Pairs 10:15 Mojo directing
Wednesday 10:15 0-750
Morris Jones MojoLA
Name BBO Name BBO
Maria Marvosh bridges100
Glen Drogin glen1941 Stephen S. Anderson stephen13
Carlos Garcia grandpacjg
Harkirat Randhawa harkiratr Jacqueline Moor jmoor2
Susan Smith jayyy Tom Koehler tomcol
Karen Harms k1815h Margaret Shifley mshifley
Ruth Roe mustygone Linda Dillon lmshook7
Nan Guenther nanniegoat
Paulette Burkitt pburkitt
Tomoko Stock tomstock David Khalieque akhalieque
Tom Beggane tpjb
Best regards,
Morris Jones, Monrovia, CA
BridgeMojo <http://bridgemojo.com>
Old Town Sidewalk Astronomers <http://otastro.org>
Mojo's Blog <http://mojo.whiteoaks.com>
We have two games on Tuesday: 0-750 Pairs at 10:15, and Open Pairs at
6:15. Here's who I'm expecting based on last week's attendance. Please
let me know if I should expect you or not!
Tuesday 10:15 0-750 11/30/21
Name BBO Name BBO
Nan Guenther nanniegoat
Maria Marvosh bridges100
Paulette Burkitt pburkitt
Aggi Oschin Agijanian1 David Khalieque akhalieque
Kerry Goldstone Fabfiftys Glen Drogin Glen1941
John Tyner John1609 Lora Smith 1darbygal
Margaret Shifley mshifley Jerome Paul JEPAUL
Ruth Roe mustygone Linda Dillon lmshook7
Stephen Anderson stephen13 Michael Perera mikeperera
Tuesday 6:15 Open 11/30/21
Name BBO Name BBO
Lulu Minter bree leant Ernie Wong ejksw
Mira Rowe bridger238 Ronald Oest Bridge1474
Kiran Kumar cndy037 Avice Osmundson 2holtdrive
Bill Brodek habanero_2 Melanie Moran kna3
Harkirat Randhawa harkiratr David Khalieque akhalique
Joe Viola javiola3 Rae Murbach racquetrae
Hanan Mogharbel jimjj Tom Lill LillOleTom
Angela Peters ltlmama1 Julie Hanson juju1944
Kathy Flynn Nanogirl Robert McBroom soccerref
Pamela Risinger r lita Maria Marvosh bridges100
Ruth Baker Ruthbaby Roy Ladd roy r ladd
Rand Pinsky unabidder Kathy Swaine phantom4
Ramesh Sawhney rsawhney Elliott Mazur elliottmaz
Temo Arjani Zantem Kushroo Lakdawala khushlak
Kristi Kubo dyingmoose Carol Ashbacher icenogle
Best regards,
Morris Jones, Monrovia, CA
BridgeMojo <http://bridgemojo.com>
Old Town Sidewalk Astronomers <http://otastro.org>
Mojo's Blog <http://mojo.whiteoaks.com>
Open Pairs Monday, 12:15. I'll be directing. Who's in? Who's out? If
you're in this list and shouldn't be, let me know! If you're not in the
list and should be, let me know! :)
As a reminder, I'm keeping a full schedule of the games, and useful
links (like results) on the Unit 556+PPD web page here:
Monday 12:15 Open 11/29/21
Director Morris Jones MojoLA
Name BBO Name BBO
Barb Jones 5arabrab Tom Jones buckey1
Gary Zoss 8758123 Dwaine Hawley dhawley102
Anita Walker anitacw27 Aggi Oschin Agijanian1
Alan Nueman anueman Harkirat Randhawa harkiratr
Mira Rowe bridger238 Ronald Oest Bridge1474
Maria Marvosh bridges100
Hilary Clark clark5 Mariann Nolan NolanMom
Diana Borgatti djborgatti Carolyn Cohen Loocy13
Gerry Geremia gerryg51 Rae Murbach racquetrae
Bill Brodek habanero_2 Paula Olivares paulao
Jerome Paul jepaul Margaret Shifley mshifley
May Ho mhozie Gay Gipson gegipson
Deanna Kean Proudley24 Janice Ladd alohaladd6
Roy Ladd roy r ladd Ruth Baker ruthbaby
Ramesh Sawhney rsawhney Temo Arjani Zantem
Bob McBroom soccerref Kathy Flynn nanogirl
Tomoko Stock tomstock David Khalieque akhalieque
Tom Beggane tpjb MaryAnne Self nanna7
Rand Pinsky unabidder Kathy Swaine phantom4
Best regards,
Morris Jones, Monrovia, CA
BridgeMojo <http://bridgemojo.com>
Old Town Sidewalk Astronomers <http://otastro.org>
Mojo's Blog <http://mojo.whiteoaks.com>
We have two games tomorrow (Sunday):
* 0-750 Pairs 12:15
* Open Pairs 12:30
Here's who played last week. Are you in for this week? Let me know ...
Sunday 12:15 0-750 11/28/21
Director Morris Jones MojoLA
Name BBO Name BBO
Sofi Kasubhai sofitictac
Aggi Oschin Agijanian1 David Khalieque akhalieque
Anita Walker anitacw27 Jacqueline Moor jmoor2
Caryn Musicer caryn52 Glen Musicer themus
Jane Archer JaneArcher Farryl Weitzman Fraudelmw
John Tyner John1609 Lora Smith 1darbygal
Barry King0351 Esin Parikh Esinparikh
Ruth Roe mustygone Linda Dillon lmshook7
Steve Mancini stevem1954 Michael Connell mconn4
Susanne Hollis sushollis Suzanne Wilcox swilco
Xiaoyan Zhou xyzzuz Noel Jeffrey Silverharv
Sunday 12:30 Open 11/28/21
Director Morris Jones MojoLA
Name BBO Name BBO
Amr Elghamry amr777 Gerry Geremia gerryg51
Sharon Wolf drswolf Steve Shanker shankers
Kristi Kubo Dyingmoose Carol Ashbacher icenogle
Carolyn Cohen Loocy13 Cathy Martin CLMPas
Lynn Sager lynnbs Julie Hanson juju1944
Lawrence Newman Pomona70 Marianne Newman Pomona48
Roshen Hadulla Roshni1938 Bill Brodek habanero_2
Roy Ladd roy r ladd Ruth Baker ruthbaby
Bob McBroom soccerref Kathy Flynn nanogirl
Adam Barron theadamwol Temo Arjani Zantem
Rand Pinsky unabidder Kathy Swaine phantom4
Ann McClelland anncal Genise Hasan kevra
Best regards,
Morris Jones, Monrovia, CA
BridgeMojo <http://bridgemojo.com>
Old Town Sidewalk Astronomers <http://otastro.org>
Mojo's Blog <http://mojo.whiteoaks.com>
Anyone home and looking for a bridge game? We have one at 12:15, Open Pairs.
Mike Savage directing. I'm in Scottsdale at my sisters, planning to play
at Bridge on Shea.
From last week:
Friday 12:15 Open 11/26/21
Director Mike Savage patomike
Name BBO Name BBO
Barb Jones 5arabrab Tom Jones buckey1
Carol Reukauf 6810p Paul Reukauf 3047s
David Khalieque akhalieque Tomoko Stock tomstock
Jan Ladd aloholadd6 Roy Ladd roy r ladd
Alan Nueman anueman Harkirat Randhawa harkiratr
Bud Kalafian bekbud Margaret Shifley mshifley
Simonetta May carasimo Jane Archer JaneArcher
Kristi Kubo dyingmoose Carol Ashbacher icenogle
Gerry Geremia gerryg51 Rae Murbach racquetrae
Lianne Walister goldengal1 Avice Osmundson 2holtdrive
Linda Young limda Paula Olivares paulao
Carolyn Cohen loocy13 Bill Brodek habanero_2
Lynn Sager lynnbs Julie Hanson juju1944
MaryAnne Self nanna7 Tom Beggane tpjb
Kathy Flynn nanogirl Ruth Baker ruthbaby
Roshen Hadulla roshni1938 Kiran Kumar cndy037
Robert McBroom soccerref
Adam Barron theadamwol Sharon Wolf drswolf
Temo Arjani Zantem Ramesh Sawhney rsawhney
Best regards,
Morris Jones, Monrovia, CA
BridgeMojo <http://bridgemojo.com>
Old Town Sidewalk Astronomers <http://otastro.org>
Mojo's Blog <http://mojo.whiteoaks.com>
Scott Campbell has graciously offered to direct a game for us at 10:15
Thursday morning. I have a list of who played last week, but by all
means come play if you're around and want to get in a little bridge
before turkey. :)
I may try to join in from my sister's in Scottsdale, AZ, but it's TBD!
Thursday 10:15 Open 11/18/21
Scott Campbell ksc
Name BBO Name BBO
Amr Elghamry amr777 Rae Murbach racquetrae
Alan Nueman anueman David Khalieque akhalieque
Maria Marvosh bridges100 Pamela Risinger R Lita
Kristi Kubo dyingmoose Carol Ashbacher icenogle
Gary Trenda garytren Carol Trenda carol Lath
Carlos Garcia grandpacjg
Bill Brodek habanero_2 Temo Arjani Zantem
Joe Viola javiola3 Gerry Geremia gerryg51
Jerome Paul jepaul Margaret Shifley mshifley
Jacqueline Moor jmoor2 Michael Connell mconn4
Melanie Moran kna3 Shari Elias shari2141
Larry Shannon leshannon Pat Larin pattinoel
Carolyn Cohen Loocy13 Morris Jones MojoLA
Michael Perera mikeperera Stephen Anderson Stephen13
Mary Anne Self nanna7 Thomas Beggane tpjb
Paula Olivares paulao Roy Ladd roy r ladd
Kathy Swaine Phantom4
Proudley24 Jan Ladd alohaladd6
Roshen Hadulla roshni1938 Kiran Kumar cndy037
Ruth Baker ruthbaby Bob McBroom soccerref
Steve Shanker shankers Sharon Wolf drswolf
Best regards,
Morris Jones, Monrovia, CA
BridgeMojo <http://bridgemojo.com>
Old Town Sidewalk Astronomers <http://otastro.org>
Mojo's Blog <http://mojo.whiteoaks.com>
Wednesday might be our toughest day to get a game together. I'm
personally going to be directing from the passenger seat of the car
while traveling to my sister's in Scottsdale. :) (Yes, you can do that!)
But I'm going to offer a game! We had a nice five-table game today. So
take a break and come play bridge if you like.
Here's who played last week:
Wednesday 10:15 0-750
Morris Jones MojoLA
Name BBO Name BBO
Tom Beggane tpjb
Robert Mallano 1groberto Patricia Sullivan Pat77777
Caryn Musicer caryn52 Glen Musicer themus
Jacqueline Moor jmoor2 Harkirat Randhawa harkiratr
Karen Harms k1815h Margaret Shifley mshifley
Marilyn Morton mortonhome Carol Schamp cschamp
Ruth Roe mustygone Linda Dillon lmshook7
Ken Peyton newrave1 Mike Connell mconn4
Suzanne Kuuskmae Suzanne Ku Carol DeCordova decordova
Tomoko Stock tomstock David Khalieque akhalieque
Best regards,
Morris Jones, Monrovia, CA
BridgeMojo <http://bridgemojo.com>
Old Town Sidewalk Astronomers <http://otastro.org>
Mojo's Blog <http://mojo.whiteoaks.com>
Reminder: *YES bridge on Thursday morning*. Open Pairs at 10:15 with
Scott Campbell. :)
Tuesday morning 0-750 Pairs 10:15, Open Pairs in the evening at 6:15.
Here's who I'm expecting, please send corrections or updates!
Tuesday 10:15 0-750 11/16/21
Name BBO Name BBO
Robert Mallano 1groberto Patricia Sullivan Pat77777
Simonetta May carasimo Jane Archer JaneArcher
Caryn Musicer Caryn52 Glen Musicer themus
Kerry Goldstone Fabfiftys Glen Drogin Glen1941
Graetchn Torres grete Mike Connell mconn4
John Tyner John1609 Lora Smith 1darbygal
Lynn Sager lynnbs Julie Hanson juju1944
Ruth Roe mustygone Linda Dillon lmshook7
Nan Guenther nanniegoat
Pam Risinger R Lita Maria Marvosh bridges100
Stephen Anderson stephen13 Michael Perera mikeperera
Tom Beggane tpjb
Donald Zachary ZDonald Mariann Nolan NolanMom
Tuesday 6:15 Open 11/9/21
Name BBO Name BBO
Lulu Minter bree leant Ernie Wong ejksw
Mira Rowe bridger238 Ronald Oest Bridge1474
Kiran Kumar cndy037 Avice Osmundson 2holtdrive
Bill Brodek habanero_2 Melanie Moran kna3
Harkirat Randhawa harkiratr David Khalieque akhalique
Joe Viola javiola3 Rae Murbach racquetrae
Hanan Mogharbel jimjj Tom Lill LillOleTom
Angela Peters ltlmama1 Julie Hanson juju1944
Kathy Flynn Nanogirl Robert McBroom soccerref
Pamela Risinger r lita Maria Marvosh bridges100
Ruth Baker Ruthbaby Roy Ladd roy r ladd
Rand Pinsky unabidder Kathy Swaine phantom4
Ramesh Sawhney rsawhney Elliott Mazur elliottmaz
Temo Arjani Zantem
Best regards,
Morris Jones, Monrovia, CA
BridgeMojo <http://bridgemojo.com>
Old Town Sidewalk Astronomers <http://otastro.org>
Mojo's Blog <http://mojo.whiteoaks.com>
Monday afternoon we have our regular Open Pairs game at 12:15.
By the way, we ARE having a game on Thursday, Thanksgiving day. It's the
regular 10:15 a.m. Open Pairs. Scott Campbell offered to direct, and
provide a nice distraction for the early part of the holiday. :)
Please send corrections or updates for Monday's game!
Monday 12:15 Open 11/21/21
Director Scott Campbell ksc
Name BBO Name BBO
Gary Zoss 8758123 Dwaine Hawley dhawley102
Anita Walker anitacw27
Maria Marvosh bridges100 Pam Risinger r lita
Diana Borgatti djborgatti Carolyn Cohen Loocy13
Sharon Wolf drswolf Steve Shanker shankers
Gary Trenda garytren Carol Trenda carol Lath
Graetchen Torres grete William Martin trap27
Harkirat Randhawa harkiratr Alan Nueman anueman
Jeanette Deverian jdeverian Cathryn Martin CLMPas
Genise Hasan Kevra Kiran Kumar cndy037
Lynn Sager lynnbs Julie Hanson JUJU1944
May Ho mhozie Gay Gipson gegipson
Kenneth Payton newrave1 Mike Connell mconn4
Paula Olivares paulao Bill Brodek habanero_2
Deanna Kean Proudley24 Janice Ladd alohaladd6
Rae Murbach racquetrae Gerry Geremia gerryg51
Ramesh Sawhney rsawhney Temo Arjani Zantem
Ruth Baker ruthbaby Roy Ladd roy r ladd
Bob McBroom soccerref
Tomoko Stock tomstock David Khalieque akhalieque
Rand Pinsky unabidder Kathy Swaine phantom4
Best regards,
Morris Jones, Monrovia, CA
BridgeMojo <http://bridgemojo.com>
Old Town Sidewalk Astronomers <http://otastro.org>
Mojo's Blog <http://mojo.whiteoaks.com>
On Sunday afternoons we have a two-section bridge game:
* 0-750 Pairs 12:15
* Open Pairs 12:30
Here's who's expected for this Sunday. Please send updates or corrections!
Sunday 12:15 0-750 11/14/21
Director Morris Jones MojoLA
Name BBO Name BBO
Margaret 65Maggi Claire Hammos Claire1125
Aggi Oschin Agijanian1 David Khalieque akhalieque
Caryn Musicer caryn52 Glen Musicer themus
Farryl Weitzman Fraudelmw Jane Archer JaneArcher
Jerome Paul JEPAUL Margaret Shifley mshifley
Jacqueline Moor jmoor2 Anita Walker anitacw27
John Tyner John1609 Lora Smith 1darbygal
Ruth Roe mustygone Linda Dillon lmshook7
guest ohmboy guest Susie Q46
Steve Mancini stevem1954 Michael Connell mconn4
Susanne Hollis sushollis Suzanne Wilcox swilco
Xiaoyan Zhou xyzzuz Noel Jeffrey Silverharv
Terry Ross terrytr Paulette Burkitt pburkitt
Sunday 12:30 Open 11/21/21
Director Morris Jones MojoLA
Name BBO Name BBO
Bud Kalafian bekbud Bill Martin trap27
Lulu Minter bree leant Ernie Wong ejksw
Stephen Licker chkenek1 Sharon Wolf drswolf
Cathy Martin CLMPas Carolyn Cohen Loocy13
Kiran Kumar cndy037 Avice Osmundson 2holtdrive
Gerry Geremia gerryg51 Rae Murbach raquetrae
Helen Wang lisette Genise Hasan kevra
Roshen Hadulla Roshni1938
Ruth Baker ruthbaby Roy Ladd roy r ladd
Bob McBroom soccerref Kathy Flynn nanogirl
Rand Pinsky unabidder Kathy Swaine phantom4
Temo Arjani Zantem Adam Barron theadamwol
Kristi Kubo Dyingmoose Carol Ashbacher icenogle
Best regards,
Morris Jones, Monrovia, CA
BridgeMojo <http://bridgemojo.com>
Old Town Sidewalk Astronomers <http://otastro.org>
Mojo's Blog <http://mojo.whiteoaks.com>