I received a phone call tonight from Michael Rodriques about the Treasurer position. I am
disturbed that you did not come directly to me today, as I was at the Arcadia club all
When I presented Miriam’s wish to step down from the Board and the Treasurer position, I
also told them you would be willing to do that job. The Board decided that if a current
Board member would be willing to do it, it would be more expeditious to have them do it.
So Michael graciously offered to do it. You are not on the Board and Treasurer is a Board
You are certainly welcome to run for the Board next March when we elect new members and
new officers. Until then Michael R. will be doing the job and if you have any issues with
this, you can take them up with me. The Board voted on this unanimously and they are the
governing body of Unit 559, and. as such, have the authority to make this call.
Lisa Walker