Is the meeting at 7:00? I didn't see a time in the agenda. I can make
any time, just need to know when to start the meeting. :)
Someone remind me and I'll send a link forthwith.
build message
Morris "Mojo" Jones
mojo(a) <>
Pasadena Bridge Club <>
Happy New Year, Board!
Attached is an agenda for Monday’s meeting, as well as a letter for your comments and additions to send out to the whole Unit in the next week. We can discuss it on Monday.
Also, Miriam, I will need financials, and could you do a separate accounting for the Holiday Party so we can do a clear budget for next year. I will also need a check on Sunday to go to Arcadia and sign the contract for next December.
Don, if MoJo has the recording from last meeting, I will take care of it for you. Please do not worry about it at all.
See you all Monday evening.
Letter looks good.For the Agenda, I talked with you last month about adding a line item regarding a unit/board member becoming CPR/First Aid Certified.
----- Forwarded Message ----- From: Katherine Cresto <mysuki(a)>To: Unit559board(a) <unit559board(a)>Sent: Saturday, January 4, 2025 at 08:14:25 AM PSTSubject: Re: [Unit559board] Agenda for Monday
Letter looks good.For the Agenda, I talked with you last month about adding a line item regarding a unit/board member becoming CPR/First Aid Certified.
On Friday, January 3, 2025 at 04:46:14 PM PST, Lisa Walker <lisawalkerlac(a)> wrote:
Happy New Year, Board!
Attached is an agenda for Monday’s meeting, as well as a letter for your comments and additions to send out to the whole Unit in the next week. We can discuss it on Monday.
Also, Miriam, I will need financials, and could you do a separate accounting for the Holiday Party so we can do a clear budget for next year. I will also need a check on Sunday to go to Arcadia and sign the contract for next December.
Don, if MoJo has the recording from last meeting, I will take care of it for you. Please do not worry about it at all.
See you all Monday evening.
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