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On Jun 15, 2024, at 12:20 PM, Roy Wilson
<unit559webmaster(a)gmail.com> wrote:
John Waken has been a member of our unit in Pasadena longer than any other player, and
for most of that time he has donated a substantial contribution to our unit as a
sponsor for our annual sectional. A few years ago, the board decided to name for him in
perpetuity. It's the John Waken Sectional. A few years ago, John was playing at the
sectional, and near the end of the session, he arrived at a table where there was a lady
sitting North, who was not a member of our unit, and John did not know her.
When the first hand was over, she scored it and as she put the pencil down, John reached
for it. She grabbed it back!
"You can't keep the only pencil on the table," John said.
"Yes, I can! I'm keeping score."
"Is your name on it?" asked Doctor John Waken.
I’ve played bridge more than half my life. The lesser half I
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