Hey y'all, please review for corrections and especially omissions!
Pasadena San Gabriel Unit
*Holiday Bridge Party* December 11, 12:30 p.m. lunch, with a big Royal
STaC bridge game to follow!
Everyone from District 23 is invited to come celebrate the season and
play for black, silver, red, and gold masterpoints!
Space is limited! Seats are $35 per player, which includes our fabulous
lunch and a great card game.
All the information and where to get reservations at this link:
https://bridgemojo.com/holiday-party-2022 Write or call Miriam
Harrington, (626) 232-0558 or miratpf(a)aol.com.
The *Pasadena Bridge Club* has been in the works since 2020, and is
finally coming to be. We found a fabulous location on North Fair Oaks
Ave. at Orange Grove with lots of parking (free), great food choices
right there, and a beautiful playing area.
We're working on furnishings, decorating, and scheduling. I'm planning
to offer classes three sessions a week, on a staggered rotation. /Bridge
- Introduction/ will be offered on Wednesday evenings, starting January
11. /Play of the Hand/ will start on Thursday evenings, January 12.
/Improving Your Judgment - Opening the Bidding/ will start on Saturday
mornings, January 14.
There will be games for 0-300 players on Monday evenings and Saturday
afternoons (at least) along with social bridge and supervised play sessions.
The grand opening party will be at noon on Saturday, January 7, with a
game at 1:00 p.m., Open and 299er pairs. The web site is live at
https://pasadenabridgeclub.com and I'll be working to fill in details
over the next few weeks.
*Unit Game winners* from November: The Nov. 6 game was a STaC game. N/S
winners were *Peter Szecsi* and *Amr Elghamry*, E/W going to *Adam
Barron* and *Sherry Hansen*. Peter and Amr placed 2nd Overall in Flight
A in the STaC, and Adam and Sherry were 1st Overall in Flight B for big
masterpoint wins!
November 20 we had a great turnout with ten tables. N/S winners were
*Joan Mesias* and *Jeanette Deverian*, with E/W going to *Robert Shore*
and *Kevin Lane*.
Congratulations to new Junior Masters *Angelica Clark* and *Barbara
Way*, new Silver Life Master *Mark Gersh*, new Ruby Life Master *Mindy
Golden*, and new Gold Life Master *Zachary Vedro*. Zach, by the way, is
my partner and co-founder of the Pasadena Bridge Club. :)
Finally, I'll mention that the 2023 *Aileen Osofsky ACBL Goodwill Member
of the Year* is yours truly, Morris "Mojo" Jones. I'm surprised and
deeply honored. I know of so many member volunteers who give tirelessly
to support our game that I never imagined I might be considered for such
an award, much less win the designation. I'm touched and proud. Thank
you. :)
Morris Jones, Monrovia, CA
BridgeMojo <http://bridgemojo.com>
Old Town Sidewalk Astronomers <http://otastro.org>
Mojo's Blog <http://mojo.whiteoaks.com>