The ACBL has a lot of good information about the jobs and
responsibilities of unit boards.
On their site, in the "About ACBL" section, there's a subsection
and Districts," and if you scroll the Units part, there are links that
include a Handbook for Units. If you'll be sending emails on behalf of
the unit (official business), we use "Marketing Solutions by Pianola"
for that.
The other relevant document is the ACBL Codification, which is a 400
page document, bur 8 pages are dedicated to Units (starting on page 71):
The Codification is also a treasure trove of everything you ever wanted
to know about ACBL operations and administration.
I know there are contacts at HQ who will support unit boards with
requests, but I'll have to find out who that is.
build message
Morris "Mojo" Jones
mojo(a) <>
Pasadena Bridge Club <>