I concur with the lunch proposal and free game. I will get there at 112 to help set up.
Let me know about the free plays so I can update the flyer.
On Saturday, February 10, 2024 at 01:19:11 PM PST, Lisa Walker
<lisawalkerlac(a)gmail.com> wrote:
Good morning Board,
Our election ballot is set and it looks like, barring any unforeseen movements, we do not
need to have an election. We have 7 people running for 7 spots. The are as follows:
Morris Jones
Michael Rodriques
Donald Garner
Doug Senor
Patricia Leahrs
Gloria Rommel
Liza Billngton
Five of us are returning:
Lisa Walker
Angela Peters
Sherry Hansen
Miriam Harrington
Kathy Cresto
So we will have a full contingent of Board members for the next year. Yeah!!
We do need to have an election to approve the amended By Laws so those ballots will be
passed out at the Election Party on March 3rd. Hopefully Richard will be there to
tabulate them as the head of the Nominating Committee.
I would still like to have the Election Party free to our players, that means everyone
that comes. We can limit it to ____??? tables and require reservations. I think it’s a
nice thing to do for our members and we have plenty of cash in the bank, as well as a
Sectional coming up in July which hopefully we will make extra funds from. I don’t think
should say that only Unit 559 members are free. Let’s just have a nice game with food and
drink and free plays. I figure it will cost us about $600 all told with the food, drink,
sanction fee, club rental and director fee. But of course this is up to the whole board.
We will not have a meeting beforehand, so please sound in on your thoughts in the next 5
days so Kathy can publicize this for us. Also, Mariam, do you think my calculation is
correct about cost?
Thanks for your service,
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