Dear Unit 550 Board Members,
The link for your monthly board meetings is pasted below. I set it up as a recurring meeting, so you can use the same link for every meeting and can actually use it anytime you want (not just on the designated meeting dates). Whoever logs on first will be the host for that session unless you want to assign it to someone else during the session.
I set the AI Companion (for notetaking) to start automatically. I did not set it up to automatically record the session but I can do that if you want.
Let me know if you have any questions. I suggest pasting the link into your calendar as part of your appointment information for each meeting. I can send a calendar invitation for a recurring meeting, including the link, to anyone who provides me with an individual email address.
Meeting ID: 849 9091 5539
Passcode: 120659
Added to the mailing list unit559board(a)
Kim Ebner
Laurie Silton
Jon Fuhrman
I haven't removed the retiring members. (Drop me a note of who those
are, pls!)
build message
Morris "Mojo" Jones
mojo(a) <>
Pasadena Bridge Club <>
Hi all,
I did budgets for the Sectional and the Holiday Party so we can make a decision about Arcadia Community Center tonight and move forward.
See attached
Hi all,
Here are the financials we will look at for tonight’s meeting.
Mojo will send out a link before the meeting.
Mojo, we held a vote at the open meeting yesterday and the Board was elected unanimously.
Dear Unit 559 Board and new Board members,
We will have an initial meeting for our Board this Monday evening at 7 PM by Zoom. Attached please find the minutes of the last meeting, as well as the agenda for this Monday evening. Miriam, can you get me a financial report for Monday evening?
Mojo, can you send out a link for the meeting on Monday? I have included the addresses of new Board members above.
Many thanks to you all for agreeing to serve!