Well Tuesday evening we had two new pairs who found our game, let's see how
many new folks will join us tomorrow with the new open game policy.
Below is who I am expecting. Come join us if you can.
Thursday 10:15 Open 8/3/23
Director Scott Campbell ksc
Name BBO Name BBO
Barb Jones 5arabrab Tom Jones buckey1
Beth Morrin Bethmorrin MaryAnne Self nanna7
Bill Brodek habanero_2 Temo Arjani Zantem
Carol Ashbacher icenogle
Carolyn Cohen LOOCY13 Dominique Moore dmoore0320
Dave White dwhite50 Bob McBroom soccerref
Diana Borgatti djborgatti Rae Murbach racquetrae
Elliott Nueman neuman Alan Nueman anueman
Gary Trenda garytren Carol Trenda carol lath
Glen Drogin Glen1941
Greg Vernon mtvernon
Harkirat Randhawa harkiratr David Khalieque akhalieque
Helen Wang lisette Ron McEvan rjmc66
Judith Tomic
Margaret Shifley mshifley Jerome Paul jepaul
Paula Olivares paulao Roy Ladd roy r ladd
Rand Pinsky unabidder Kathy Swaine Phantom4
Ruth Baker ruthbaby Kathy Flynn nanogirl
Sharon Wolf drswolf
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