We have a great open game on Mondays, 12:15. Here is the reservation list
for tomorrow's game. Please send additions or corrections.
Monday 12:15 Open 7/18/22
Director patomike
Mike Savage
Name BBO Name BBO
Barb Jones 5arabrab Tom Jones buckey1
Carol Reukauf 6810p Paul Reukauf 3047s
Alan Nueman anueman Harkirat Randhawa harkiratr
Maria Marvosh bridges100
Stephen Licker chkenek1 Bud Kalafian bekbud
Diana Borgatti djborgatti Carolyn Cohen LOOCY13
Gerry Geremia gerryg51 Rae Murbach raquetrae
Jeanette Deverian jdeverian Cathryn Martin CLMPas
May Ho mhozie Gay Gipson gegipson
Mary Anne Self nanna7 Aggi Oschin Agijanian1
Nancy Guenther nanniegoat
Kathy Flynn nanogirl Bob McBroom soccerref
Ken Peyton Newrave1 Mike Connell mconn4
Paula Olivares paulao Bill Brodek habanero_2
Roy Ladd roy r ladd Ruth Baker ruthbaby
Tomoko Stock tomstock David Khalieque akhalieque
Tom Beggane tpjb Elizabeth Morrin bethmorrin
Rand Pinsky unabidder Kathy Swaine phantom4
Bill Martin trap27
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