I know you have many choices and it is a busy season.
Below is the attendance last week including subsequent edits. Please help
me by sending updates for tomorrow.
Sunday 12:30 Open 12/18/22
Director Scott Campbell ksc
Name BBO Name BBO
Aggi Oschin Agijanian1
Mira Rowe bridger238 Ronald Oest Bridge1474
Sharon Wolf drswolf Bud Kaftan bekbud
Gerry Geremia gerryg51 Amr Elghamry amr777
Bill Brodek habanero_2 Paula Olivares paulao
Jacqueline Moor jmoor2 Harkirat Randhawa harkiratr
Helen Wang lisette Dwaine Hawley dhawley102
Lynn Sager lynnbs Julie Hanson juju1944
Mike Connell mconn4 Ken Peyton newrave1
Roy Ladd roy r ladd Ruth Baker ruthbaby
Shari Elias shari2141
Carolyn Staab snowberry2 Avice Osmundson 2holtdrive
Rand Pinsky unabidder Kathy Swaine phantom4
Xiaoyan Zhou xyzzuz