We'r have an Open Pairs game tomorrow afternoon at 12:15. If you'd like to
play some bridge, come on and join in! I have a list below of the players
from last week,
Friday 12:15 Open 1/6/22
Director Mike Savage patomike
Name BBO Name BBO
Adam Barron theadamwol Sharon Wolf drswolf
Alan Nueman anueman
Amy Muscoplat neiamy Rosa Gutierez rosgut
Avice Osmundson 2holtdrive Kiran Kumar cndy037
Barb Jones 5arabarb Tom Jones buckey1
Bud Kalafian bekbud David Rozzell jdrjr
Carolyn Cohen loocy13 Bill Brodek habanero_2
Diana Borgatti djborgatti Cathryn Martin CLMPas
Gary Trenda garytren Carol Trenda carol Lath
Jan Ladd aloholadd6 Roy Ladd roy r ladd
Kristi Kubo dyingmoose Carol Ashbacher icenogle
Lindsay Gronich lgronich Michael Zelichov KONG888
Maria Marvosh bridges100
Mary Anne Self nanna7 Shari Elias shari2141
Michael Connell mconn4
Mira Rowe bridger238 Ronald Oest Bridge1474
Paulette Burkitt pburkitt
Rae Murbach racquetrae Gerry Geremia gerryg51
Rand Pinsky unabidder Kathy Swaine phantom4
Ruth Baker ruthbaby Kathy Flynn nanogirl
Temo Arjani Zantem