Hi Adam,
These are smart steps, but the virus is not only a serious health crisis
but also a blow to the bridge community. I suspect it is going to have a
profound effect on all clubs and certainly on tournaments (case in point,
cancellation of the NABC in Columbus).
I hope that bridge will be able to bounce back but I have no illusions that
such a rebound will be swift or complete. Very sad.
Meanwhile the main concern and priority is to take care of ourselves and
try to help others do so in any way we can.
Warm regards,
On Thu, Mar 12, 2020 at 8:49 PM Adam Barron <adamwindbarron(a)gmail.com>
Dear Glendale Players,
I was informed today that our venue, the Adult Recreation Center, will be
closed until further notice.
For your information, the San Marino Club is closed as well.
I am further told that Art's club will be taking reservations.
I will pass on any further information as soon as I have it.
Thank you,
-Adam, Mgr.
GlendaleBridge mailing list