Dear friends of the Pat Abbey Club,
I ran into Sevag Garabetian, one of the supervisors of our venu, the
Glendale Adult Recreation Center, at, of all places, a burrito shop.
It took awhile to recognize each other under our masks, but we did. He
told me that the senior center remains closed, though all of their
employees still work for Glendale. He said the center will remain closed
until there is a "cure" or, more likely, widespread vaccination.
My best guess is that means mid 2020. The ultimate decision rests with the
L.A. County Board of Supervisors, specifically when they approve Seniors
coming in for meals again.
I made my desire to return to the Center clear last April by conspicuously
leaving the coffee pot and our most important bridge supplies in the
cabinet there. Of course I have saved all our bridge boards and the dealing
machine safely at a private home. Stephen Licker and I look forward to
taking them out of mothballs on a moment's notice when the time comes.
I play weekly virtual games at both Unit 556 and Mojo's club. They are fun,
but they don't replace the camaraderie, mutual learning and friendships I
treasure at the Pat Abbey Bridge Club. I hope we can hang in there until
our club reopens. I plan to give beginner and/or intermediate classes when
we return.
Beyond our club, I hope we can play soon at the San Marino Club.
Frustratingly, they are having trouble with their venu. I look forward to
in person games at the Friendly Bridge Club and Art's. Of course the big
event of 2021 will be the opening of Mojo's Pasadena Bridge Club!
Let's stay safe and well,