Here's a little reminder: Bridge II from PCC focuses on the play of the
hand, but we also review and add some new bidding tools, and begin to
introduce defender play. It's the second course in the ACBL Bridge
curriculum. I only offer this course once a year, each spring!
I'll be teaching the course on Wednesday evenings, starting March 9, at
Arcadia High School. The course runs for eight Wednesdays, skipping
April 6, with the last session on May 4.
You can register online at PCC Extension. Here's a link to the course
You can also enroll by calling PCC Extension at (626) 585-7608.
The cost is $95 plus $15 for the workbook.
The class already has enough students enrolled to be assured that it
will be held, and there is only room for ten more. So if you were
thinking about taking the class, you might want to consider enrolling soon!
In a final bit of news, this will be my last course offering until this
fall. I'm taking the summer off this year to focus on my own play of the
hand skills and bridge in general. This March I will have made "Silver
Life Master" in the ACBL, and I'm planning to visit the North American
Bridge Championships in November in Florida.
But not to worry, I'll start over again this fall with Bridge I!
Best regards,
Morris Jones
Monrovia, CA