I should clarify: I'm creating multiple practice meetings, but you only need to visit one.

I'll be there for these meetings, but anyone else who wants to be sure they have Zoom working correctly may join any one that you like.

The point is to verify that the software is up and running and everyone can connect.

For the formal board meeting, we'll hope everyone will be able to make it. And having practiced once, this should save time getting started. Free Zoom meetings have a 40-minute limit, so we might have to disconnect and start new meetings.

Thursday 11:00 a.m.: https://zoom.us/j/94778915394?pwd=UzB2WTl6dlhTWUR1MmNtUXlLN3FJdz09
Thursday 1:30 p.m.:  https://zoom.us/j/7144131879?pwd=eWtuOUN2dnBRUEU5OGtjMjlyVUgwdz09
Friday 11:00 a.m.: https://zoom.us/j/97591893247?pwd=ekcxWFhBUEVJbUg3Y0E4T1d1L3dDdz09

Best regards,
Morris Jones, Monrovia, CA
Old Town Sidewalk Astronomers
Mojo's Blog