Please check for corrections :) Short, but not a lot of news.
Pasadena San Gabriel Unit
At least for a while, people were coming back to play in the unit
game! Our November game on the 14th reached capacity at the Bridge
Center with 15 tables. Overall winners were Fredy and Lulu Minter,
with Paul Nason and John Villalobos taking second both in the N/S
We'll have a single Unit game on Sunday, December 12. We're planning
to make it a little more festive, with a traditional holiday lunch
of pizza. :) Reservations and proof of COVID vaccination are
required! Call Miriam Harrington for reservations at (626) 232-0558.
Online club games continue six days a week in combination with five
other nearby units. Drop in at and click "Games" for
the full schedule.
Last week we were delighted to report Lulu Minter's change in rank,
this week Fredy joins in climbing the ladder as a new Ruby Life
Master. Congratulations!