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Pasadena San Gabriel

The big news this month is the successful presentation of the John Waken Pasadena Sectional for the first time post-pandemic.

For most of our unit board members, this was the first experience with putting on a sectional tournament. It turned out to be a great way to get experience with all the organization and promotion that's involved. It was really gratifying to see how everyone pitched in to help set up the rooms, bring in snacks and coffee, and clean up the space by 7:00 PM on Sunday! Congratulations and thanks to tournament chairs Angela Peters and Sherry Hansen.

We ended up with a total of 103 tables of bridge played over the weekend. The top winners were Freddy and Lulu Minter.

The unit managed to cover expenses and then some. This should make us more confident and ready to hold a sectional in a real venue next year. Not having split rooms will enable us to have pairs games on Saturday and team games on Sunday. We're working on getting the Arcadia Community Center August 9-10 next year.

We held one unit game last month with 12 tables on July 21. Winners N/S were Jeannette Deverian and Dan Lubesnik. E/W was Amr Elghamry and Dominique Moore.

Our August 4 game had 11-1/2 tables, and was won by Karen Arase and Gitta Earll N/S, with Amr and Dominique winning again in E/W.

We'll be holding unit games on most first and third Sundays of each month for the rest of 2024. The next two are August 18 and September 1. All of the unit games are held at the Pasadena Bridge Club. Contact Miriam Harrington at (626) 232-0558 or to make reservations. We serve pizza at 12:00, and the game starts promptly at 12:30. Card fees for the unit games are still only $10, cash only please!

We're planning to hold an Over/Under game on Sunday, Sept. 29. This is a game where newer players will be paired with experienced players. It's a great opportunity for the new players to get experience playing with experienced players, and for the experienced players to provide encouragement for new players to play more fearlessly.

Special congratulations to new Life Masters and Bronze Life Masters Karmen Armoudjian and Elliott Mazur. Congratulations to new Silver Life Master Teresa Thurman.

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Morris "Mojo" Jones
Pasadena Bridge Club