I believe the ACBL has made changes to the requirements to have a unit recorder, realizing that a localized recorder isn't able to really establish any patterns. I'll have to research that further though.


On 3/27/23 8:10 PM, Roy Wilson wrote:
I have not added anything except the ACBL policy, but when the board reaches a decision on how poor conduct will be addressed in our unit games, I would like to add that as well.

You might not be aware that Peter Szecsi is our unit recorder, and although his services in that capacity have never been needed, I believe he still serves in that capacity.  He might want to be replaced, so perhaps someone should ask him.

What does a recorder do?  The duties of a recorder should be, but are not, spelled out in our Standing Rules, but as I understand them, he is supposed to be the board contact if a player wants to complain about the conduct of another player, or report a suspicion of cheating.  The recorder makes a record of the complaint and if he receives several from different sources, he reports it to the board for further investigation or action.   It’s an office that is rarely, if ever, needed!  

I’ve played bridge more than half my life.  The lesser half I wasted.
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Morris "Mojo" Jones
Pasadena Bridge Club