😱!  Thank you Jon!
On Mon, Mar 3, 2025 at 7:45 PM Morris Jones <mojo@bridgemojo.com> wrote:

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Subject: Meeting Summary for Unit 559 Board
Date: Tue, 04 Mar 2025 03:42:53 +0000 (UTC)
From: Meeting Summary with AI Companion <no-reply@zoom.us>
To: mojo@bridgemojo.com

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Meeting summary for Unit 559 Board (03/04/2025)
Quick recap
The team reviewed the financial report and discussed the potential location for future events. They also discussed the responsibilities of unit representatives, the unit's financial situation, and the scheduling of the unit game and the Zoom subscription. Lastly, they expressed gratitude to Mojo for his service and briefly discussed the use of AI for meeting transcripts and minutes.
Next steps
• Lisa to email invoice for cake, salad, and pins to Miriam.
• Lisa to contact John Jones regarding district representative position.
• Lisa to set up and pay for a new Zoom account for the unit.
• Mojo to send Lisa the AI-generated transcript or recording of the meeting.
• Board members to attend next meeting on May 5th at 6:30 PM.

Discussing Budgets and Venue Options
In the meeting, the team discussed the minutes from the last meeting, with no major changes. They reviewed the financial report presented by Miriam, which showed a total income of $1,227.30 and expenses of $2,052. They also discussed the proposed budget for the sectional and holiday party, with the latter showing a net loss of $1,362. The team will decide whether to take this loss or increase the charges for the holiday party. They also discussed the potential of using the Jackie Robinson Center for future events, but decided to stick with the Arcadia Community Center due to its lower costs and more appealing facilities.
Board Discusses Location, Boundaries, and Games
The board discussed the potential location of a Jackie Robinson event, the geographical boundaries of their unit, and the financial aspects of their unit games. They also discussed the responsibilities of unit representatives to the District Board, with Gloria volunteering for this role. There was also a discussion about the successful election party, and the possibility of having another "free game" at the election party next year. The board also discussed the unit's current financial situation, with a small deficit, and the need to decide whether to serve a free game at the election party next year.
Unit Game Schedule and Zoom Approval
The board discusses scheduling the unit game on Easter Sunday, April 20th. After considering past attendance and board members' availability, they vote to keep the game on that date. They also approve the expense for a new Zoom subscription for the unit, to be managed by Lisa. The next board meeting is scheduled for May 5th at 6:30 PM. The board expresses gratitude to Mojo for his service, and briefly discusses using AI for meeting transcripts and minutes.
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