Im going to do the n7mbers based on what we spent this year.  I dont want to have a sectional we break even on.  Its too much work.  

Btw, im covid positive but not sick at all.  Just a little sniffly
Sent from my iPad

On Sep 10, 2024, at 7:05 PM, Morris Jones <> wrote:

 Well I know we can afford it. It's a lovely venue.

Consider that we spent $500 for the bridge club, plus $800 for two tournament assistants which would probably be unnecessary, it's not really a stretch. You might want one TA anyway.


On 9/10/24 6:56 PM, Lisa Walker wrote:
About $1800 rental for two days 
Sent from my iPhone

On Sep 10, 2024, at 6:54 PM, Morris Jones <> wrote:

 I'm having trouble breaking it down. What does the total come to?


On 9/10/24 4:28 PM, Lisa Walker wrote:
So we will have to pay this additional amount for the longer hours at Arcadia for the sectional.  We need to decide if it’s worth it


Begin forwarded message:

From: Jessica Mancilla <>
Subject: RE: Permit 4912and 4913
Date: September 10, 2024 at 3:59:54 PM PDT
To: Lisa Walker <>


Priority 3 is the additional cost per hour past the 6-hour rental time frame. So, you are paying the $250 for the 6 hours and $602($172/hour) for the 3.5 additional hours.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Thank you.
-----Original Message-----
From: Lisa Walker <>
Sent: Monday, 9 September 2024 7:40 pm
To: Jessica Mancilla <>
Subject: Permit 4912and 4913

CAUTION: This email originated from outside your organization. Exercise caution when opening attachments or clicking links, especially from unknown senders.

Hi Jessica,

I am just going through the financials for our permit and I see you charged us thePriority 3 rate for the extra time we requested.  We are only paying the Priority 2 rate for the rest of the day.  Can you confirm if this is correct?

It will make a huge difference as to whether we will be able to have our event there.
Also, things are being emailed to Jan Wickersham who is no longer our President.  I am now and my contact info is

Lisa Wlaker
4193 Woodleigh Lane
La Canada, CA  91011


Lisa Walker

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