Pasadena San Gabriel

On Sunday March 3 we held our annual unit membership meeting before the Unit Game at the Pasadena Bridge Club.

Outgoing unit board members are Richard Halverstadt and Linda Stuart. Thanks so much for your help and contributions!

Incoming unit board members are Liza Billington, Don Garner, Patricia Luehrs, Gloria Rommel, and Doug Senour. When you see them at the table, be sure to thank them for their volunteer service!

For the Unit Game and meeting on March 3, the unit had a surprise gift for the players: no card fee for the game! Sixty players came to fill 15 tables at the Pasadena Bridge Club, enjoy pizza, salad, beverages, and cake, all provided by the unit and served by the unit board.

Meanwhile in February we held two great unit games. Here are the winners for February:

Congratulations to players achieving new ranks in the ACBL:

Coming up in March, the Pasadena Bridge Club will be holding silver point STaC games at the Open Pairs games on Wednesday and Thursday, March 20-21, and a 0-750 game on Saturday, March 23.

The next Unit Game will be on March 17 at the Arcadia Bridge Center. The April game dates have not officially been set, but will most likely be on April 7 at the Pasadena Bridge Club, and April 21 at the Arcadia Bridge Center. For reservations for any Unit Game, contact Miriam Harrington, (626) 232-0558, or

The next Bridge Introduction course will be at the Pasadena Bridge Club on Saturday mornings at 9:30 starting April 6. To register, visit the Pasadena Bridge Club web site and look for the registration link in the top right corner.

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Morris "Mojo" Jones
Pasadena Bridge Club