I've updated the mailing list for the Unit 559 Board to match the current membership:
Angela Peters <angela.peters48@gmail.com>
Linda Stuart <geohnze@gmail.com>
Lisa Walker <lisawalkerlac@gmail.com>
Miriam Harrington <miratpf@aol.com>
Morris Jones <mojo@bridgemojo.com>
Kathy Cresto <MYSUKI@att.net>
Richard Halverstadt <richardhalverstadt@sbcglobal.net>
Michael Rodrigues <rodfallbrook@yahoo.com>
Roy Wilson <unit559webmaster@gmail.com>
Denise Wreede <wreededenise@gmail.com>
If you send an email to unit559board@bridgemojo.com it will be forwarded to all of the list members.

Replies, by default, will also go to the list. (If you want to make a private reply, you have to be careful with the "To:" address.)

Best regards,
build message
Morris "Mojo" Jones
Pasadena Bridge Club