Will anyone with less than 300 points automatically be in the 299er?   
Sent from my iPhone

On Dec 8, 2024, at 12:42 PM, Lisa Walker <lisawalkerlac@gmail.com> wrote:

So that means 68 people in open and 24 in 299. I need to increase catering. I think 3 were no food. 

Right now I have ordered for 72. What do you think I should increase to?  85?

Sent from my iPhone

On Dec 8, 2024, at 10:47 AM, Morris Jones <mojo@pasadenabridgeclub.com> wrote:

I have two sections for the Holiday Party, Eleven tables in Open, and 5.5 tables in 299er. I also have Linda Lucas looking for a partner.

While I was rearranging players into sections, I lost some "paid" notifications. Dang!

I'll have to trust that a few people paid me already. I can remember a few. Right now I show that I've collected 27 payments for $795, and I think it should be closer to 33 paid to me.


-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: Unit 559 Pasadena San Gabriel / Holiday Party — Sunday, December 15, 2024
Date: Sun, 08 Dec 2024 18:40:33 +0000
From: Morris Jones via RSVP Bridge <G583_471ad883-dffd-491a-aee3-bc68116fcb24@msgs.rsvpbridge.com>
Reply-To: Morris Jones <mojo@pasadenabridgeclub.com>
To: Morris Jones <mojo@pasadenabridgeclub.com>

Unit 559 Pasadena San Gabriel
Holiday Party
Open Pairs — R$30
at Arcadia Community Center
Here is the attendance list for the Holiday Party.

Hello Morris,

We currently have 16½ tables. You are not signed up.

Those playing on Sunday, December 15:
1 Michael Rodrigues, Raymond Boncato
2 Sin Orensztein, Mark Peters
3 Kim Ebner, Leslie Klein
4 Arthur Weinstein, Kathy Cresto
5 Lisa Walker, Roy Wilson
6 Sandra Rucker, Jeanne Dea
7 John Barrow, Sherry Hansen
8 Jeannette Deverian, Joan Mesias
9 Angela Peters, Patricia Staub
10 Toban Toban, Liza Billington
11 Gloria Rommel, Fredrick Nelson
12 Stephen Licker, Carolyn Cohen
13 Stuart Soldate, Patricia Luehrs
14 Dominique Moore, Amr Elghamry
15 Adam Barron, Sharon Wolf
16 Paul Nason, Diana Borgatti
17 Beth Hollander, Carol Grosz
18 Hsing Fang, Chris Sun
19 Richard Halverstadt, Charo Holdo
20 Mavis Baynard, Pat Croshere
21 John Preskill, Roberta Preskill
22 Karmen Armoudjian, Janet Wickersham
23 Jake Frenkel, Miriam Harrington
24 Kim Gundlach, Maryann Cooper
25 John Jones, Elizabeth Silvius
26 Susan Kane, Jon Fuhrman
27 Gary Moore, Gilbert Stinebaugh
28 Suzanne Gati, Susan Claster
29 Margie Lee, Donald Garner
30 Sherna Foucher, Kenneth Farhang
31 Dwight McCormick, Brenda Maroney
32 Carol Maffin, Terry Nafisi
33 Eileen Finlay, Tim Finlay
Looking for partner:
  Linda Lucas
If you would like to change your signup

Visit the RSVP Bridge website, or contact Morris Jones.

Arcadia Community Center, 365 Campus Drive, Arcadia, CA
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