Hello Lisa,
Thank you for meeting with me yesterday regarding the potential Sunday, December 7, 2025 rental for your group. I have included the cost for this Priority 3 rental. Let me know if you are still interested in facilitating this rental. Thank you so much!
Brian DeLeon |
Recreation Coordinator | Recreation |
626.821.4375 |
bdeleon@arcadiaca.gov |
375 Campus Dr
Arcadia, CA 91007 |
From: Lisawalker <lisawalkerlac@gmail.com>
Sent: Monday, December 23, 2024 3:24 PM
To: Brian DeLeon <bdeleon@arcadiaca.gov>
Cc: Morris Jones <mojo@pasadenabridgeclub.com>; Annie Sumioka <asumioka@arcadiaca.gov>
Subject: Re: Next December
CAUTION: This email originated from outside your organization. Exercise caution when opening attachments or clicking links, especially from unknown senders.
I will cme in on the 6th! Have a very wonderful holiday and thank you again, Brian!
Sent from my iPad
On Dec 23, 2024, at 3:20 PM, Brian DeLeon <bdeleon@arcadiaca.gov> wrote:
Gotcha! I'll be in the office January 6th, 8th, and 9th! Whichever date works best for you, let me know.
Brian DeLeon |
Recreation Coordinator | Recreation |
626.821.4375 |
bdeleon@arcadiaca.gov |
375 Campus Dr
Arcadia, CA 91007 |
From: Lisa Walker <lisawalkerlac@gmail.com>
Sent: Monday, December 23, 2024 3:14 PM
To: Brian DeLeon <bdeleon@arcadiaca.gov>
Cc: Morris Jones <mojo@pasadenabridgeclub.com>
Subject: Re: Next December
CAUTION: This email originated from outside your organization. Exercise caution when opening attachments or clicking links, especially from unknown senders.
That date is perfect for our holiday party. Same parameters as this year. In at 11 out by 6. And around 65 people.
I’ll be away for the holidays. Can I come sign the contract the week of January 6? If it’s an issue, I can get one of my board members to vibe sooner.
Thanks Brian !
Sent from my iPhone
On Dec 23, 2024, at 2:23 PM, Brian DeLeon <bdeleon@arcadiaca.gov> wrote:
Hello Lisa,
Glad to hear the event went well and I appreciate your patience! We have the Sunday, December 7, 2025, available. What time were you thinking? How many people?
Brian DeLeon |
Recreation Coordinator | Recreation |
626.821.4375 |
bdeleon@arcadiaca.gov |
375 Campus Dr
Arcadia, CA 91007 |
From: Lisawalker <lisawalkerlac@gmail.com>
Sent: Monday, December 16, 2024 10:23 PM
To: Brian DeLeon <bdeleon@arcadiaca.gov>; Morris Jones <mojo@pasadenabridgeclub.com>
Subject: Next December
CAUTION: This email originated from outside your organization. Exercise caution when opening attachments or clicking links, especially from unknown senders.
Our party went off withoutva hitch in your beautiful facility. I wondered if we could book a date now for next year. The furst or second Sunday in December works well for us. Please let me know and i can come in and complete the paperwork.
Many thanks again,
Lisa Walker
Sent from my iPad