I'll certainly be doing this for the Pasadena Pomona Downey VBC. We'll be drawing players from all three units, and four or five bridge clubs. I started building a tentative web page https://bridgemojo.com/ppdvbc and ACBL has assigned a club number. Hopefully we can be playing in a week.

On 5/9/2020 2:51 AM, K A. Cresto wrote:
Is this something we want to do for our unit as very few players from out unit play in Valencia?

On Friday, May 8, 2020, 7:52:41 PM PDT, Paula Olivares <paula@pacbell.net> wrote:

Dear Unit 556 bridge players and friends,
I would like your input on two items.
First, we are from three distinct areas and in order to boost the comradery, I plan to put together a directory of the players with a descriptive sentence or two about each person. This way we can get to know each other better. Please write a sentence or two about yourself to introduce yourself to others. It will look something like this:

paulao (Paula Olivares) retired AT&T engineer, teaches bridge on cruise ships, splits time between Valencia and Baja California, walks daily with her three dogs.

If you don't want to write something about yourself, we will do our best to write something to introduce you to the group.

On another note, I would like your feedback on whether you prefer games to be 6 minutes a board (like Thursday) or 7 minutes a board (like today).

Thank you for your assistance.
Paula Olivares


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