I'm ambivalent about it, out of ignorance.

It's pretty, as a timer for interval training (with the "UP" and presumably "DOWN" markers). If it requires the director to reset for each round, then it's possible to be showing the wrong time or no time if the director forgets. (Maybe it doesn't need attention during each round, but how do we find out?)

It will never display round number, of course, as the InTempo clocks do.

At the BridgeMojo club, I used one of the free Windows bridge timers projected on a screen from my laptop, which is overkill. At Regency I usually had a laptop on a shelf running the timer, where it was mostly invisible unless you stood to look. My budget for Pasadena Bridge Club included money for two InTempo timers.

That said, it's dirt cheap (by comparison), and if it's unsuitable, maybe someone will want it for interval training. I wouldn't buy one for my own games, but I don't need to -- I can use the Windows app on the computer.

(South Bay and many other bridge clubs have computer displays on the wall and use one of the free Windows bridge timers.)

I'm not voting no, I'm just abstaining. The cheap price could be a false economy.

Mojo (from Atlanta GA, home on July 5 or so)

On 6/28/21 4:05 PM, janet wickersham wrote:
Hi Friends,

Some of you have weighed in on purchasing the timer and the bell from the email Roy sent yesterday.  Five of us are in favor, and I would like to hear from the rest of you.  If we have a majority, I will call Marie and suggest she purchase the timer and bell and Miriam will reimburse her on the 11th.  Thanks so much.  Your input is always appreciated.
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Morris Jones, Monrovia, CA
Old Town Sidewalk Astronomers
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