There has been some discussion on how we will select players to serve as Overs in the Over/Under game on July 23rd. Below is my proposal for how we compile the list. Please think about this procedure and bring your ideas to our next Board meeting. Of course you are free to contact me beforehand if you have any thoughts.

  1. Board members submit names of players who should be considered for the list. (I think we should place some qualifications on who would qualify. In particular I believe nominees should be a life master. And, the people we nominate should have the social skills to work with and teach their partners.) I will be the recipient of all nominations so I can compile the list from which we select the Overs.
  2. The Over/Under Coordinator compiles a list of all nominees.
  3. The Board participates in multivoting to select the nominees: each Board member is given 20 votes that they can use to nominate candidates on the list. The Board members can place one or more votes with any candidate but they are only allowed to use 20 votes in all.
  4. The Over/Under Coordinator will tally the votes and prepare a prioritized list of Over candidates.
  5. After it is known how many Unders have signed up for the game, we will use the prioritized list of Overs and call them to ask them to participate in the Over/Under game.
  6. Once we have established the list of all Overs for the game, I will send out an email with some helpful hints on how the Overs can best help the Unders.
Please be prepared to discuss the above procedure at our next Board meeting. We will also need to create a schedule for dates when each step of the procedure is completed.

