I kinda think we won't go over that.

I know we had 18 tables last year.

I have a newbie pair asking if the game would be appropriate for them. By "newbie" I mean they've never played in an open or full-length game. I'd like to invite them to join the party, and kibitz. I don't think they could handle a 3-hour bridge game against this field.


On 12/3/2023 12:14 PM, Lisa Walker wrote:
Ok. I changed our number to 60 from 72. If there are more than that probably won’t get food. 
Sent from my iPhone

On Dec 3, 2023, at 10:56 AM, Morris Jones <mojo@pasadenabridgeclub.com> wrote:

 Miriam and I reconciled our lists. We currently have 24 pairs (48 people) 12 tables. Bill Martin is looking for a partner.

It's reasonable to expect that a few more will want to join in. I think booking food for 60 would seem wise.

For those who would like to see the list: If you know your login account on RSVPBridge, do that. Click on the "December 10" date on the calendar, then click the "Go" button by the "Holiday Party and Royal STaC".

If you'd like to do that but need help logging in to RSVPBridge, let me know.

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Morris "Mojo" Jones
Pasadena Bridge Club