I don't exactly bring pizza ...

I order it ahead of time for pick-up at 11:45. It's paid for by the bridge club's credit card. I pick it up at 11:45.

So the $120 you reimburse the bridge club for food covers the pizza (about $105 for four) and snacks and drinks.

You really don't need to change anything in that regard. Zach can do the same thing (or I could do it from Toronto). One of you all can go pick up the pizza for him if you like.


On 7/2/2024 4:32 PM, Lisa Walker wrote:
Hi al, 

I texted with Zach this morning and he is willing to run and direct our next  Unit game at the Pasadena Club on July 21st.  I offered him the same reimbursement as MoJo.  Also, please remember that MoJo brings pizza to the unit games and I think that one of us who will be there can handle the pizza order and pick up.  Who will be there and who can do this? Please talk with MoJo about the amount he orders and what kind, etc? I don’t know if I will be there. 

there is no unit game on the 7th this weekend because of the Long Beach Regional so only one this month and then the sectional.  Please put this information on the webpage, Roy.


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Morris "Mojo" Jones
Pasadena Bridge Club