Our Sunday game is directed by Scott Campbell. It is also the Pasadena Unit game Sunday, so I am not sure who will be playing with us online. Below is who played last week. I would appreciate it if you let me know if you will not be playing online.
Sunday 12:30 pm5/7/2023
DirectorScott Campbellksc
Adam BarrontheadamwolTemo ArjaniZantem
Anita Walkeranitacw27David Khaliequeakhalieque
Avice Osmundson2holtdriveKiran Kumarcndy037
Beth MorrinBethmorrinMaryAnne SelfNanna7
Bill Brodekhabanero_2Paula Olivarespaulao
Brad Belandrbb12Bill Martintrap27
Carol Ashbachericenogle
Carolyn CohenLoocy13Cathy MartinCLMPas
Greg Vernonmtvernon
Jacqueline Moorjmoor2Aggi OschinAgijanian1
Jane ArcherJaneArcherFarryl WeitzmanFraudelmw
Joe ViolaRae Murbachracquetrae
Judy FederjudycutieGenise Hasankevra
Kathy FlynnnanogirlBob McBroomsoccerref
Lulu Minterbree leantErnie Wongejksw
Mike Connellmconn4Steve Mancinistevem1954
Mira Rowebridger238Ronald OestBridge1474
Nina Hxscrab8419043lafox8
Rand PinskyunabidderKathy Swainephantom4
Sharon Wolfdrswolf
Steve Lickerchkenek1Bud Kalafianbekbud