Read below for a comment about our card fees. Meanwhile, who's in for Sunday bridge? We have 0-750 pairs at 12:15, and Open Pairs at 12:30

Sunday 12:15 0-750 3/6/22
Director Scott Campbell ksc
Name BBO Name BBO
Aggi Oschin Agijanian1 David Khalieque akhalieque
Carol Reukauf 6810p Paul Reukauf 3047s
Farryl Weitzman Fraudelmw Jane Archer JaneArcher
Harkirat Randhawa harkiratr Jacqueline Moor jmoor2
John Tyner John1609 Lora Smith 1darbygal
Mike Connell mconn4 Steve stevem1954
Noel Jeffrey Silverharv Xiaoyan Zhou xyzzuz
Paul ptb9
Susanne Hollis sushollis Suzanne Wilcox swilco
Tom Beggane tpjb

Sunday 12:30 Open 3/6/22
Director Scott Campbell ksc
Name BBO Name BBO
Avice Osmunson 2holtdrive Kiran Kumar cndy037
Bill Brodek habanero_2

Bud Kalifian bekbud

Genise Hasan kevra

Gerry Geremia gerryg51 Rae Murbach raquetrae
Helen Wang lisette

Kathy Baghdassarian kathybag Bill Martin trap27
Lisa Walker lisawalker Roy Wilson budwilson
Lynn Sager lynnbs Julie Hanson juju1944
Marianne Newman pomona48 Mike Newman pomona70
Mira Rowe bridger238 Ron Oest bridge1474
Rand Pinsky unabidder Kathy Swaine phantom4
Ruth Baker ruthbaby Roy Ladd roy r ladd
Sharon Wolf drswolf Steve Shankers shankers
Jeff Grotenhuis cruiser30 Morris Jones MojoLA

This past Friday we had a game with a $4 entry fee, and I thought I'd explain that. Most of our games are $3, and the small 750 games on Tuesday and Wednesday are $5. Having a $3 game requires some extra steps.

We use some automation provided by to set up our weekly tournaments, and they (Jay Whipple) feel that any VACB game should have a minimum card fee of $4/game. When the automation creates our tournaments, it increases the card fee from $3 to $4. In order to override that, Paula or I have to go in each morning before anyone registers for the game and change it back to $3.

This past Friday, I forgot to do that. I haven't gotten back into my habits since taking over the day-to-day management for this month. I apologize for that. I'll be getting my habits back in order. :)

Best regards,
Morris Jones, Monrovia, CA
Old Town Sidewalk Astronomers
Mojo's Blog