Another Silver point game with $5 entry. With the restrictions on guests removed on all the Virtual Clubs we have had 3-6 more tables than previously. It will be a good game. Here is who played last week. Please send updates.
Thursday 10:15Open8/10/23
DirectorScott Campbellksc
Avice Osmundson2holtdriveKiran Kumarcndy037
Barb Jones5arabrabTom Jonesbuckey1
Beth MorrinBethmorrinMaryAnne Selfnanna7
Bill Brodekhabanero_2Temo ArjaniZantem
Carol Ashbachericenogle
Carolyn CohenLOOCY13Dominique Mooredmoore0320
Dave Whitedwhite50Bob McBroomsoccerref
Diana BorgattidjborgattiRae Murbachracquetrae
Elliott NuemanneumanAlan Nuemananueman
Genise HasankevraPat Larinpattinoel
Greg Vernonmtvernon
Harkirat RandhawaharkiratrDavid Khaliequeakhalieque
Helen WanglisetteRon McEvanrjmc66
Jacqueline Moorjmoor2Michael Connellmconn4
Joe Violajaviola3Gerry Geremiagerryg51
Julie Hansonjuju1944Angela Petersltlmama1
Margaret ShifleymshifleyJerome Pauljepaul
Paula OlivarespaulaoRoy Laddroy r ladd
Rand PinskyunabidderKathy SwainePhantom4
Ruth BakerruthbabyKathy Flynnnanogirl