Dear Unit556+ players,

Our Sunday 3:25 pm open game uses IMP scoring
Many of you are unfamiliar with this method, and how it changes your approach to the game.

In matchpoint scoring, you earn one point for each pair in your direction you beat, (half a point for each pair you tie.)

For example: if there are five tables and you have the best score, you get four points, one for each of the other four pairs that you beat. It does not matter how much better your score is. If second on the list has 140, you could have 150, 170, or 1700. you would still get only four points.

In IMP scoring, each board has a datum, which is usually the simple average of all the scores. Your score is compared with the datum and the difference is converted to IMPs (international match points), just like Swiss teams.

For example: at every other table, the scores were +140. and you had 170. The average is 144. 170 - 144 is 26, and that is 1 IMP for you. Now let's say everybody else scored 140, but you bid the game and made four for 620. The average is 236 and the difference is 384 for 10 IMPS. In summary, you are rewarded for winning big, especially if you are vulnerable.

Playing IMP scoring is like teams, and great practice for team games.
Bid your vulnerable games and slams. 
Make your contract, overtricks don’t count for much. 
Set the opponent’s contract. 
Don’t double without tricks in their trump.
Don't make risky sacrifices.
Be aggressive for part scores and vulerable games  

Don't have a partner for the Sunday IMP game?
As an extra inducement to play in the open IMP game on Sunday at 3:25 pm we will be allowing players to choose a robot as their partner for this game. BBO will charge a small extra fee for the rental of the robot for the game. 

Playing with a robot partner is good practice for those robot tournaments too.

Sunday 499er game is still on at 3:15 pm however robot partners will not be allowed.
