Dear Unit 556+ bridge players,
Open Pairs tomorrow, Thursday, March 18th, at 10:15 AM. Who wants to play? Who needs a partner? Below is a tentative list of players. Send me any edits.

To Unit556 members, the results of our recent election are as follows, Tomoko Stock was added to the board and all the other members were reelected (Beth Morrin, Bob McBroom, Gay Gipson, Jan Ladd, May Ho, Paula Olivares, Rand Pinsky, Roy Ladd and Ruth Baker).

Aggi & Susan Smith
Alan & Elliott Nueman
Angela & Julie
Anita & Ruth
Barbara L & Carole C
Bill B & Temo
Bud & Gerry B
Carol & Paul R
Carol A & Kristi
Carol T & Gary T
Carolyn & Dominique
Cathy M & Diana
Harry & David K
Jackie & Mike
Jan & Tomoko
Kathy F & Bob M
Kathy S & Rand
Margaret & Jerome
MaryAnne & Tracy
Mira & Ron 
Pat L & Dave
Paula & Roy L
Rae & Amr
Shari & Melanie
Sharon & Steve
Sharry & Beth
Tomoko & Meressa