Tomorrow is Sunday! The last double point game. We have
12:15 0-750 Pairs
12:30 Open Pairs
Here's who played last Sunday. Please send me edits and additions.
And I am turning over the helm to Mojo for May and June. I will be going to Machu Picchu and the Galapagos for most of June.
Sunday 12:150-7505/1/22
DirectorScott Campbellksc
Graetchen TorresgreteMike Connellmconn4
Harkirat RandhawaharkiratrJacqueline Moorjmoor2
John TynerJohn1609Lora Smith1darbygal
Noel JeffreySilverharvXiaoyan Zhouxyzzuz
Tomoko StocktomstockJan Laddalohaladd6
x-robotSofi Kasubhaisofitictac
x-robotPatricia Luehrspmjl
x-robotAnita Walkeranitacw27
x-robotTom Begganetpjb

Sunday 12:30Open5/1/22
DirectorScott Campbellksc
Aggi OschinAgijanian1David Khaliequeakhalieque
ConnieKangxkErnie Wongejksw
Debbye PridebajaqueenPat Larinpattinoel
Farryl WeitzmanFraudelmwJane ArcherJaneArcher
Helen WanglisetteGenise Hasankevra
Kathy BaghdassariankathybagSharon Wolfdrswolf
Kathy FlynnnanogirlBob McBroomsoccerref
Rand PinskyunabidderKathy Swainephantom4
Roshen HadullaRoshni1938Bill Brodekhabanero_2
x-robotTemo ArjaniZantem
x-robotBud Kalifianbekbud
x-robotCarol Ashbachericenogle
x-robotBill Martintrap27