Sunday is not only our game, but also the Pasadena Unit game. I have tried to update our list taking that into consideration, but please send corrections. Here is the list, room for more.

Sunday 12:30 pm6/4/2023
DirectorScott Campbellksc
Adam BarrontheadamwolTemo ArjaniZantem
Beth MorrinBethmorrinMaryAnne SelfNanna7
Bill Brodekhabanero_2
Carol Ashbachericenogle
Gary TrendagarytrenCarol Trendacarol Lath
Genise HasankevraHelen Wanglisette
Greg Vernonmtvernon
Jacqueline Moorjmoor2Harkirat Randhawaharkiratr
Kem Peytonnewrave1
Kiran Kumarcndy037Avice Osmundson2holtdrive
Linda Younglimda
Rand PinskyunabidderKathy Swainephantom4
Ruth BakerruthbabyRoy Laddroy r ladd
Sharon Wolfdrswolf
Xiaoyan Zhouxyzzuz
