If you are not playing in the Pasadena Unit Game, come play with us. Here is who played last week. Please send updates. -- Paula
Sunday 12:30 pm8/6/2023
DirectorScott Campbellksc
Aggi OschinAgijanian1
Avice Osmundson2holtdriveKiran Kumarcndy037
Beth MorrinBethmorrinMaryAnne SelfNanna7
Bill Brodekhabanero_2Paula Olivarespaulao
Carol AshbachericenogleDying moose
Dwaine Hawleydhawley102Sherriearrowhead1
Gary TrendagarytrenCarol Trendacarol Lath
Greg Vernonmtvernon
Helen WanglisetteLulu Minterbree leant
Jacqueline Moorjmoor2Harkirat Randhawaharkiratr
Joe ViolaRae Murbachracquetrae
Margaret ShifleymshifleyJerome Pauljepaul
Mike Pereramikeperera
Mira Rowebridger238Ronald OestBridge1474
Pat LarinpattinoelDebbye Pride
Rand PinskyunabidderKathy Swainephantom4
Rosa Gutierrezrosgut
Sharon Wolfdrswolf