We have two Swiss Team games today:
* 12:15 non-Life Master (0-500) teams (all players <500 masterpoints)
* 12:30 Open Teams
Joining as a team is a two-step process:
* Invite your partner
* Invite your teammates
If you and your partner don't have teammates, no worries! If there are
pairs left over in the "Select Teammates" tab, they will be formed into
teams. A single partnership will be have "Sitout" partners, who will be
filled from the substitute player list.
Come give it a try!
Best regards,
Morris Jones, Monrovia, CA
BridgeMojo <http://bridgemojo.com>
Old Town Sidewalk Astronomers <http://otastro.org>
Mojo's Blog <http://mojo.whiteoaks.com>
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