Welcome to the weekend! Jane and I were delighted to see a little blue sky this evening, and dined al fresco. :)

I have a mini-lesson again tomorrow, more on defense. 9:30 a.m. See the Zoom invitation below.

We also have a new game tomorrow. Our usual games are 0-500 at 10:00 a.m., and Open Pairs at 12:30 p.m.

The new game is a Newcomer game (99er) running at 12:45 p.m., alongside the Open Pairs game. If you're on the Newcomer list I'll be sending an invitation for that.

Do please let me know if you're planning to play! I'll keep an eye out for you, and it helps me plan the game movement and need for half tables and such.

Here are the players from last week's 0-500 10:00 a.m. game:

Last week 0-500 10:00 a.m.

Ron Lu 76tigerjr Michael Rodrigues 70explore
Cory Brendel coryb Liza Billington lizabill
Kim Ebner ebbie1104 Sarah Deschenes sarahd3
Jane Archer janearcher Simonetta May carasimo
Karen Harms K1815H Donna Marovish jacobira
Marcia Hoffman Littletyke Bonnie Cox PlBolMPs32
Margaret Shifley mshifley Jerome E. Paul jepaul
Kenneth Peyton newrave1 Mike Connell mconn4
Yuri Bonds ooita William Snyder nadie205
Patti Eisenberg peisenberg Tom Beggane tpjb
Pam Risinger R Lita Maria Marvosh bridges100
Terry Clougherty terryjc Paulette L. Burkitt pburkitt
Uma Shrivastava umashriva Mariann Nolan NolanMom

And here's the attendance from last week's Open Pairs at 12:30:

Last Week Saturday 12:30

Avice Osmundson 2holtdrive Kiran Kumar cndy037
Lulu Minter bree leant Ernest Wong ejksw
Maria Marvosh bridges100 Pam Risinger P Risinger
Sharon Wolf drswolf David Rozzell jdrjr
Jeof Wyrick jeofw David Ochroch dochroch
Joyce Roberts joycesmale Tim Cole tvc5301
Kathleen Malovos kathy did Melanie Moran kna3
Kent Burrell KMB37 Elizabeth Burrell gojazz
Milt Kalikman knuton1 Genise Hasan kevra
Lynn Sager lynnbs Julie Hanson JUJU1944
Michael Perera mikeperera Stephen Anderson Stephen13
Howard Rosen Murphy1414 Stephen Page stephenpag

Here is the Zoom invitation for tomorrow morning's mini lesson at 9:30:
Topic: Bridge mini lesson
Time: Sep 19, 2020 09:30 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 839 1257 8991
Passcode: 7ntxx
Don't forget, Sunday morning, our open forum on convention cards, Stardust week, and whatever other topics you want to bring to the meeting! I'll send a reminder early Sunday with the Zoom link for that.

Best regards,
Morris Jones, Monrovia, CA
Old Town Sidewalk Astronomers
Mojo's Blog