Starting today, through Sunday, all VACB games on BBO will be paying extra points, and all in silver.

Our first game is tonight at 7:15, with the 0-1000 Monday evening game.

Silver points are the ones traditionally awarded at Sectional tournaments -- the bridge tournaments run by local ACBL units. They're also available at special "Sectional Tournament at Clubs (STaC)" games.

Silver points are important because they're required for several advancements in rank in the ACBL.

Would you like to find more games to play in this week?

When you visit the ACBL Virtual Club section on BBO, you may see other games popping up. If you were a player in other face-to-face clubs, like Glendale, Beverly Hills, or South Bay, you may have other games you're eligible for.

You can also try playing as a substitute in other VACB games. Here's how:

You can add yourself to the Substitutes list

When directors have a seat to fill, either for an entire game, or a temporary fill, you'll be offered an invitation. If you decline two invitations, you'll be taken off the list until you add yourself again.

Playing as a substitute is a complete crap shoot! You don't get to choose your partner. But if you do play in a full game, you're eligible to win masterpoints. I've met some splendid players that way, and had some good games.

You'll also be invited to play in games that are not VACB games. They might be tournaments elsewhere in the world, or just a friendly team match.

Be on your best behavior! Don't ask to be removed just because you're having a bad game. If you're encouraging and supportive, sit back and enjoy the fact that you're getting a free game of bridge. :)

(If you have an abusive partner, by all means let the director know, and they'll be happy to sub you out for someone else.)

You can offer your services to other club directors

Here you'll see a list of club games that are starting within the next two hours. If you see games that have an odd number of entries, those directors will be looking for fill-in players.

I always enjoy having players offer to fill-in before the game. I know I'll be getting a willing and friendly player.

To offer your service, click on the Host box to the left of the game name. It will say something like "vacb253567". A profile box will appear, and you can tell the director you're available to sub. Tell him how many masterpoints you have. Directors are always looking for novice/intermediate players to help fill tables with novice/intermediate partners! (You may not get the director if someone is running the game from their own account, so don't expect a response. All you can do is offer!)

Wait for the game to start, and if you're lucky, you'll get an invitation from the director.

When you do this, you doubly promise to be a good citizen at the table. There's no telling who might be your partner! Enjoy the free game, and hope for lots of good luck. :)

Good luck scoring some silver points this week!

Best regards,
Morris Jones, Monrovia, CA
Old Town Sidewalk Astronomers
Mojo's Blog