Greetings from Gainesville, FL, where I'm currently charging my noble steed on the way back to California.

Somewhere this evening I'll stop in Mississippi, not quite as far as Memphis (Tenn.) and bunk for the night and for our evening 0-1000 bridge game.

This is a slightly special game. The ACBL is running a Labor Day event. Tonight's game will pay about 33% more than the usual virtual club game, in black points. The BBO results will NOT likely show the correct masterpoint award, but you'll see the actual award on ACBL Live for Clubs about 30 minutes after the end of the game.

If you're planning to play, or have changes to the attendee list, please drop me a note along the way! Here's the list of players I have so far. I do have a single player, so if you'd like to play but don't have a partner, let me know.

Partnerships 7:15 0-1000

Name BBO Name BBO
Jane Archer JaneArcher Farryl Weitzman fraudelmw
Marianne Newman Pomona48 Lawrence Newman Pomona70
Pam Risinger R Lita Maria Marvosh bridges100
Angela Peters ltlmama1 Bonnie Cox PlBolMPs32
Christine Atkinson cqatkinson Edna Ulasewicz ulasewicz
Linda Stuart geohnze Kim Gundlach kgundlach
Dwight McCormick DMac45 Michael Connell mconn4
Lynn Sager lynnbs Julie Hanson JUJU1944
Ho Ming Yim HYimHK Brian Castle boyky


Name BBO

Tom Beggane tpjb

Best regards,
Morris Jones, Monrovia, CA
Old Town Sidewalk Astronomers
Mojo's Blog