Here's to another big Sunday for bridge! These are regular club games. Stardust games start tomorrow, Monday.

We have our 0-300 Pairs game at 12:15. Here are the attendees from last week. Let me know if you're playing!

Last week 0-300 Pairs

Trisha Martin colinmolly Suzanne Wilcox swilco
Cory Brendel coryb Liza Billington lizabill
Janelle Morton janellem Kim Ebner ebbie1104
Jane Houston Jones jhjones52 Jean Wortman acesw1n
Laura Rose laurarosep Aleen Lilac aka
William Snyder ooita Yuri Bonds nadie205
Pam Risinger R Lita Maria Marvosh bridges100
Sara Shapiro rtadelis Beth Hollander blh2018
Rai Scime scime Carlos Garcia grandpacjg
Tom Beggane tpjb Sofi Kasubhai sofitictac
Uma Shrivastava umashriva Mariann Nolan NolanMom

Then at 12:30 our regular Open Pairs game. Here's who I've heard from so far for this week:

Pairs Sunday 12:30

Name BBO Name BBO
R Gerry Belcher rgbelcher Dianna Borgatti Djborgatti
Lulu Minter bree leant Ernie Wong ejksw
Milt Kalikman Knuton1 Genise Hasan kevra
Waqar Khan WaqarKhan Angela Peters ltlmama1
Adam Barron theadamwol Temo Arjani Zantem

Best regards,
Morris Jones, Monrovia, CA
Old Town Sidewalk Astronomers
Mojo's Blog