This week is an ACBL event: Stardust Week.

Normally our games pay 150% of club games from 2019 in black points. That's been a pretty big deal. It's possible to gather lots of points playing the virtual club games.

This week the games will pay 200%, an increase of 1/3rd from normal. The cool part is that those added points will be GOLD instead of black.

Normally GOLD points can only be won at regional or national events, in games with an upper limit of 750 masterpoints™ or greater. You're not going to win lots of them this week, but every little bit is good when you need them!

The schedule for PPDVBC will remain the same this week, with card fees of $6 per game to cover the extra fee charged by ACBL (except for the newcomer games).

So tonight is the first game, our weekly Monday 0-1000 game at 7:15. Who's coming? Here's who I'm expecting so far:

Partnerships 7:15 0-1000

Name BBO Name BBO
Hanan Mogharbel jjmjj Tom Lill LillOleTom
Jane Archer JaneArcher Farryl Weitzman fraudelmw
Marianne Newman Pomona48 Lawrence Newman Pomona70
Pam Risinger R Lita Maria Marvosh bridges100
Angela Peters ltlmama1 Bonnie Cox PlBolMPs32
Edna Ulasewicz ulasewicz Christine Atkinson cqatkinson
Linda Stuart geohnze Kim Gundlach kgundlach
Dwight McCormick DMac45 Michael Connell mconn4
Lynn Sager lynnbs Julie Hanson JUJU1944
Denise Wreede denigirl Karmen Armoudjian karmogirl

Please send corrections or additions! I may have some good single players available if you need a partner.

Best regards,
Morris Jones, Monrovia, CA
Old Town Sidewalk Astronomers
Mojo's Blog