Last Tuesday at 11:00, we had a visit from a bridge Hall of Fame member, Fred Hamilton. Everyone in the game was able to play a round at his table. Something like that makes a good story even for non-bridge playing friends!

It just goes to show, you never can tell who's going to show up for a game. That said, I'd like to know if you're going to show up for this game.  :)

I'm welcoming guest director Paula Olivares to help cover the game for me. Here's the attendance from last week.

Last week

Name BBO

Hilary Clark clark5 Mariann Nolan NolanMom
Fred Hamilton hamilton Rose Boot Arose
Milt Kalikman knuton1 Clinton Lew notaclew
Carolyn Cohen LOOCY13 Dominique Moore DMOORE0320
Julie Hanson juju1944 Angela Peters ltlmama1
Margaret Shifley mshifley Jerry Paul jepaul
Vic Marovish Pockets500 Donna Marovish jacobira
Steve Shanker shankers Sharon Wolf drswolf
Stephen Anderson Stephen13 Mike Perera mikeperera

Best regards,
Morris Jones, Monrovia, CA
Old Town Sidewalk Astronomers
Mojo's Blog