Please drop me a note if you'd like to play today or tomorrow in the Open Pairs game at 11:00. Here are the players from last week:

Tuesday 11:00

Name BBO Name BBO
Lulu Minter bree leant Ernest Wong ejksw
Jerry Paul jepaul Margaret Shifley mshifley
Julie Hanson JUJU1944 Angela Peters ltlmama1
Kent Burrell KMB37 Liz Burrell gojazz
Melanie Moran Kna3 Kathy Malovos kathy did
Carolyn Cohen LOOCY13 Dominique Moore DMOORE0320
Angela Peters ltlmama1 Julie Hanson juju1944
Steve Shanker shankers Sharon Wolf drswolf

Wednesday 11:00

Name BBO Name BBO
Bill Pasa sofos Vic Sartor 00000VS
Stephen Licker chkenek1 Adam Barron theadamwol
Sharon Wolf drswolf David Rozzell jdrjr
Kent Burrell KMB37 Liz Burrell gojazz
Alfred Lee leealfred Ernie Wong ejksw
Sandra Franciscus most preci Bill Martin trap27
Ross Bengel rbengel Robert Johann bob946
Carole Collins star4ruby Barbara Leider Beesam

I'll be directing the Tuesday game. Dave White is covering the Wednesday game while I'm on the road to Florida.

Best regards,
Morris Jones, Monrovia, CA
Old Town Sidewalk Astronomers
Mojo's Blog