We have a nice turnout for the 0-500 game today at 10:45. I'm not expecting enough players for 11:00 to hold that game.

I have a single player for the 0-500! Who'd like to play?

Here is the list I have for 10:45. Please do send corrections.

Tuesday 0-500 Pairs 10:45

Name BBO Name BBO
Carlos Garcia grandpacjg Tom Beggane tpjb
Hilary Clark clark5 Mariann Nolan NolanMom
Simonetta May Carasimo Jane Archer janearcher
Ken Peyton newrave1 Mike Connell mconn4
Lora O. Smith 1darbygal John Tyner John1609
Kent Burrell KMB37 Elizabeth Burrell gojazz
Julie Hanson juju1944 Angela Peters ltlmama1
Raj R tnbg999 Sofi Kasubhai sofitictac


Name BBO

Uma Shrivastava umashriva

This is TODAY's event, starting very shortly.

Morris Jones, Monrovia, CA
Old Town Sidewalk Astronomers
Mojo's Blog