I've reorganized our web page to make things easier to find.
Bookmark this for current information about our club:
The club phone number is updated to (626) 247-4457. You can add it
to your contacts as "Pasadena Bridge Club" (hopefully coming January
2021). Good for TXT or voice.
Who wants more games this week? Since I can do it and people
have asked, I'm open to adding day games on Thursday and Friday,
just for Silver Linings week. Send me your feedback! Anyone up for two
day games? What if we did 10:30 and 1:00 p.m.? We'd have to play
random boards rather than TheCommonGame's shared boards. No big
deal, right?
Game timing: As we all get more experience with BBO, 7
minutes-per-board starts to feel a little slow. 6 minutes-per-board
can feel a little rushed, especially when we play two-board
movements. 6.5 would be perfect, and hopefully BBO is working to
allow that setting.
For the time being I'm going to keep the games at 7
minutes-per-board. If nothing else, you'll get an occasional
bathroom break or chance to chat with our friends. It also means
fewer boards cut off mid-play at the end of a round.
BBO Tip: If all tables finish the round before the clock expires,
the new round starts immediately.
Tonight 7:15 0-1000 pairs. Dave White has invited the
district to play. Hoping for a good turnout, and lots of silver
points awarded. :)