Dear Unit556, PPD, friends, and family,
Tomorrow, August 5th, we have one game: 10:15 am, open pairs. Below is
the reservation list. Please send me additions, corrections, or if you want
a partner.
Paula Olivares
Thursday 10:15 AM open game
Alan & Elliott N
Angela & Julie H
Anita & Ruth
Avice & Lianne
Bill B & Temo
Carol A & Kristi
Carol T & Gary T
Dwaine & David H
Ernie & Lulu
Gense & Ann
Harry & David K
Jackie & Mike
Jan & Meressa
Karmen & Denise
Kathy S & Rand
Margaret & Jerry P
Mike P & Stephen A
Mira & Ron
Nancy G & Judy T
Pam R & Maria M
Pat & Dave W
Paula & Roy L
Rae & Diana B
Roshen & Kiran
Shari & Melanie
Sharon & David
Dear Unit556, PPD, friends and family,
Tomorrow, August 4th, we have one game: 10:15 am, 599er pairs. Below is
the reservation list. Please send me additions, corrections, or if you want
a partner.
Paula Olivares
10:15 AM Wednesday 599er game
Angela P & Julie H
Carol D & Toni G
Carole C & Barbara L
Karmen & Denise
Linda D & Ruth R
Maria & Andrei
Mike C & Ken P
Stephen & Mike P
Teri U & Angelica C
Dear Unit556, PPD, friends, and family,
Tomorrow, Aug 3rd, we have two games: 10:15 am, 599er pairs and 6:15 pm
open pairs. Below are the reservation lists. Please send me additions,
corrections, or if you want a partner.
Paula Olivares
10:15 AM Tuesday 599er game
Carolyn W & Jerry H
Caryn & Glen M
Ginger B & John M
Jackie & Susan S
Karmen & Denise
Lora S & John T
Margaret & Karen
Paulette & Terry
Ruth R & Linda D
Stephen A & Mike P
Teri & Duke
6:15 PM Tuesday open game
Amr & Dominique
Angela & Julie
Carol A & Kristi
Ernie & Lulu
Genise & Ann M
Harry & David K
Kathy S & Rand
Khushroo & Temo
Kiran & Avice
May A & Hani
Melanie & Bill
Mira & Ron
Pat L & Dave W
Ruth & Roy
Sharry & Rosalee
Sue T & Kathy H
Dear Unit556, PPD, friends, and family,
Tomorrow, Aug 2nd, we have one game, 12:15 pm open pairs. Below is
the reservation list. Please send me additions, corrections, or if you want
a partner.
Paula Olivares
Monday 12:15 open
Angelica & Uma
Barbara & Tom J
Carol A & Kristi
Carol R & Paul R
Carolyn & Bill M
Debbye & Pat L
Ernie & Lulu
Jackie & Anita
Jane A & Farryl W
Judy T & Nancy G
Kathy S & Rand
Kiran & Genise
Lisa & Karmen
Mira & Ron
Rae & Gerry G
Rosalee M & Judy S
Roshen & Bill
Ruth & Roy
Sharon W & Dave R
Sharry & Barbara Y
Temo & Ramesh
Dear Unit556, PPD, friends, and family,
Tomorrow, Aug 1st, we have two games: 12:15 pm, 599er pairs, and 12:30 pm
open pairs. Below are the reservation lists. Please send me additions,
corrections, or if you want a partner. Last day of Starlight games. $4
entry fee, double pts, 1/4 gold.
Paula Olivares
12:15 PM Sunday 599er game
Aggi & David K
Caryn & Glen M
Erin A & Teri U
Jackie & Harry
Jan & Tomoko
Linda D & Ruth R
Lora S & John T
Lynn S & Julie H
Margaret & Jerry
Margaret K & Claire H
Meressa & Tomoko
Noel & Xiaoyan
Paulette B & Terry R
12:30 Sunday open game
Adam & Temo
Angela P & Waqar K
Bill M & Elliott Mazzur
Carol A & Kristi
Carol R & Paul R
Carolyn & Cathy
Debbye & Pat L
Ernie & Lulu
Genise & Ann M
Gerry G & Amr
Jane A & Farryl W
Kathy & Bob
Kathy S & Rand
Kiran & Avice
Marianne & Mike N
Mira & Ron
Rae & Diana B
Roshen & Bill B
Ruth & Roy
Sharon & David
Dear Unit556, PPD, friends, and family,
Tomorrow, July 30th, we have one game, 12:15 pm NAP qual pairs. Below is
the reservation list. Please send me additions, corrections, or if you want
a partner.
This is a Stardust game. Double points of which 1/4 is gold. An extra $1
will be added to the entry fee.
Paula Olivares
Friday 12:15 PM open game
Aggi & Susan Smith
Angela & Julie
Avice & Kiran
Barbara & Tom J
Bill M & Mike C
Bob Mc & Dave W
Bud & Steve L
Carol A & Kristi
Carol R & Paul R
Carolyn C & Bill B
Cathy M & Diana B
Ernie & Lulu
Genise & Denise
Harry & Alan N
Jan & Roy L
Kathy S & Rand
Liz & Ken
MaryAnne & Shari
Mira & Ron
Pam R & Maria M
Pat L & Wayne
Rae & Gerry G
Ramesh & Temo
Ruth & Kathy F
Sharon W & Steve
Sharry & Beth
Stephen & Glen
Tomoko & David K
Dear Unit556, PPD, friends and family,
Tomorrow, July 29th, we have one game: 12:15 pm, open pairs. Below is
the reservation list. Please send me additions, corrections, or if you want
a partner.
This is a Stardust game. Double points of which 1/4 is gold. An extra $1
will be added to the entry fee.
Paula Olivares
Thursday 10:15 AM open game
Alan & Elliott N
Angela & Julie H
Angelica & Uma
Anita & Ruth
Barbara & Sharry
Barbara & Tom J
Bill B & Temo
Carlos & Tom
Carol T & Gary T
Carolyn C & Dominique
Ernie & Lulu
Gense & Ann
Harry & David K
Jackie & Susan S
Joe V & Gerry G
Kathy S & Rand
Margaret & Jerry P
Mariann & Don Z
Mike P & Stephen A
Nancy G & Judy T
Pam R & Maria M
Pat & Dave W
Paula & Roy L
Rae & Diana B
Roshen & Kiran
Shari & Melanie
Sharon & Steve
Dear Unit556, PPD, friends and family,
Tomorrow, July 28th, we have one game: 10:15 am, 599er pairs. Below is
the reservation list. Please send me additions, corrections, or if you want
a partner.
This is a Stardust game. Double points of which 1/4 is gold.
Paula Olivares
10:15 AM Wednesday 599er game
Angela P & Julie H
Carol D & Toni G
Carole C & Barbara Leder
Caryn & Glen M
Jackie & Harry
Linda D & Ruth R
Stephen & Mike P
Teri U & Angelica C
Tomoko S & David K
Dear Unit556, PPD, friends and family,
Tomorrow, July 27th, we have two games: 10:15 am, 599er pairs and 6:15 pm
open pairs. Below are the reservation lists. Please send me additions,
corrections, or if you want a partner.
These are Stardust games. Double points of which 1/4 is gold. An extra $1
will be added to the entry fee for the evening game.
Paula Olivares
10:15 AM Tuesday 599er game
Aggi & David K
Caryn & Glen M
Ginger B & John M
Lora S & John T
Margaret & Jerry
Marianne N & Eva S
Nancy G & Carlos
Paulette & Terry
Ruth R & Linda D
Stephen A & Mike P
6:15 PM Tuesday open game
Amr & Dominique
Angela & Julie
Barbara & Tom J
Carol A & Kristi
Ernie & Lulu
Genise & Ann M
Harry & David K
Hilary & Mariann
Kathy S & Rand
Khushroo & Temo
Kiran & Avice
May A & Hani
Melanie & Bill
Mira & Ron
Pam R & Maria M
Pat L & Dave W
Sharry & Rosalee
Dear Unit556, PPD, friends, and family,
Tomorrow, July 26th, we have one game, 12:15 pm open pairs. Below is
the reservation list. Please send me additions, corrections, or if you want
a partner.
This week is Golddust Week (aka Stardust week). Double points of which 1/4
is gold. An extra $1 will be added to the entry fee for all games except
Tue 10:15 and Wed 10:15 which will stay the same $5.
Paula Olivares
Monday 12:15 open
Barbara & Tom J
Carol R & Paul R
Carol T & Gary T
Carolyn C & Diana B
Cathy M & Jeannette
Debbye & Pat L
Ernie & Lulu
Gay & May
Harry & Alan N
Jackie & Susan Smith
Jan & Deanna
Judy T & Nancy G
Kathy S & Rand
Kiran & Genise
Mira & Ron
Rosalee M & Judy S
Ruth & Roy
Sharon W & Dave R
Sharry & Barbara Y
Steve L & Bud
Temo & Ramesh
Tomoko & David K